Hi everybody,
Bug report 'refresh':
This bug is affecting Lubuntu Xenial final, and I was given the advice
(at the Ubuntu quality mailing list) to create a new bug report. The
symptoms are the same or similar as in
Bug #966480
Josh, that certainly looks like the problem I'm having. I didn't find
that bug when I searched. I'll try some of the suggested fixes when I
get some spare time... I've already wasted a couple of evenings trying
different ISOs (not netinst or mini.iso... various LTS as in my first post).
If I g
On 04/19/2016 11:57 AM, Phill. Whiteside wrote:
may I respectfully request a change of date? We will be knee deep in the
launch of the 16.04 LTS release on that date. A week after the release
would, to me, make a whole lot more sense.
Please ask the CC, not just a member.
Svetlana Belkin
Greetings Lubuntu Team,
On the behalf of the CC, I'm reminding your that your check in, with us,
is this Thursday, April 21, at 17:30UTC[1] in #ubuntu-meeting.
Thank you.
Hi Svetlana Belkin,
may I respectfully request a change of date? We will be knee deep in the
launch of the 16.04 LTS release on that date. A week after the release
would, to me, make a whole lot more sense.
Lubuntu-users mailing list
Modify sett
Are you using the netinst or mini.iso to do the installation? Your symptoms
look exactly like this bug
At the very least you can click on the green "Affects me too" link near the
top to note that you're impacted by this bug.