Re: WIFI connectivity issues with WPA2 enterprise and Lubuntu 13.10 and up

2014-10-24 Thread Israel
Hey, Andre has a really good idea. You can set one computer up fully. Then you can use Nio's great program mktbl and use his OBI installer to dd the image onto the other computers. It is extremely fast to install from OBI (about 1 minute on an old computer). And you will have identical systems c

Re: WIFI connectivity issues with WPA2 enterprise and Lubuntu 13.10 and up

2014-10-24 Thread Andre Rodovalho
Marc, anyway, is good to check what is the hardware you are running. This is important for us to search if anything annoying like this was already reported... Just like Israel said, run this on lxterminal: *lspci |grep [nN]et* 2014-10-24 14:21 GMT-02:00 Andre Rodovalho : > There is a workaround

Re: WIFI connectivity issues with WPA2 enterprise and Lubuntu 13.10 and up

2014-10-24 Thread Andre Rodovalho
There is a workaround for you to get things done. But I hate the idea of this being the solution... Anyway, if you want to know more, the "solution" for now could be creating an image of the 12.04 updated to 14.04 and then replicate this to the other machines. I suppose most of your machines are t

Re: WIFI connectivity issues with WPA2 enterprise and Lubuntu 13.10 and up

2014-10-24 Thread Aere Greenway
On 10/24/2014 06:50 AM, Marc Tremblay wrote: The connectivity issue occurs on all of our laptops no matter what make or model. In general at our school board the older laptops and netbooks we are converting are Toshiba Tecra A9, A10 and A11's. The Netbooks are NB 200's, 250's and 350's. We al

RE: WIFI connectivity issues with WPA2 enterprise and Lubuntu 13.10 and up

2014-10-24 Thread Marc Tremblay
​Hi Andre, Passwords are not the issue here as we are using standard English keyboards and am able to unmask to check as you say. If anyone figures this out the beers are on me!! It seems like i am stuck using 12.04 LTS for all our laptops. From: lubuntu-user

Re: WIFI connectivity issues with WPA2 enterprise and Lubuntu 13.10 and up

2014-10-24 Thread Andre Rodovalho
I guess the nm-applet issue was solved on 14.04.1 iso file. Indeed, a md5sum check is needed! About passwords, as Israel is pointing... Check is all caracters are being printed ok. If you are using a different keyboard layout, that might break your legs... I like to unmask the password when typin

Re: WIFI connectivity issues with WPA2 enterprise and Lubuntu 13.10 and up

2014-10-24 Thread Israel
Hi Marc, I am not sure why you cannot connect. You may need to check and make sure your wifi settings are correct. I know it is the simple thing, but I usually run into these issues... and look for the complicated thing... - make sure you are using the right encryption (WPA2) - make sure you a

RE: WIFI connectivity issues with WPA2 enterprise and Lubuntu 13.10 and up

2014-10-24 Thread Marc Tremblay
Hi Israel, I will try launching the "nm-applet" to resolve the issue of not seeing the network indicator and who knows maybe I will then be able to get a connection with Lubuntu 14.4. Do you think this is also related to connectivity or just the fact that i don't see the network indicator.

Re: WIFI connectivity issues with WPA2 enterprise and Lubuntu 13.10 and up

2014-10-24 Thread Israel
Hi Marc, I just remembered >From this page Network indicator on the panel may not start at login. You can start it manually by launching "nm-applet" in a terminal. Some others autostarted applications may also be affected (such as automatic u

RE: WIFI connectivity issues with WPA2 enterprise and Lubuntu 13.10 and up

2014-10-24 Thread Marc Tremblay
Hi Israel and Andre, The connectivity issue occurs on all of our laptops no matter what make or model. In general at our school board the older laptops and netbooks we are converting are Toshiba Tecra A9, A10 and A11's. The Netbooks are NB 200's, 250's and 350's. We also have Dell laptops and