OBI is a good option... Of course you can do it manually...
Lately I have done some cloning with gnome-disks. It is very simple, you
install everything you want, open gnome-disks, click on root partition and
choose "more actions", then select "create image" option.
That created image might work o
as I cannot test Mac stuff, I do have one suggestion... Get a DVD-RW disk,
they're good for at least 100 re-tries and can be found at dollar / euro /
pound shops nice and cheap. I have a couple of DVD-RW's to complement my
CD-RW's. Making toastrs with -R disks is a little silly :)
I am not entirely sure if I have been clear enough
I have successfully booted 12.04 and 14.04 from USB numerous times on
two machines.
the usb# depends on which USB port you are using.
This is a tried and true method, and Open Firmware does support it.
Open Firmware allows you to set how the co
There are some help webpages for *buntu in Skype website. Have you read
this one yet?
It recommends to install PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) which is
available in Lubun schrieb:
> Has anyone tried booting this as a USB yet?
> For some reason, I am completely unable to boot it.
> I have been trying various open firmware commands, but it simply cannot
> boot.
> I downloaded the Alpha the other day, with no success on booting.
I've got the same understanding that Anthony has mentioned, and I think I
saw this on the PPC FAQ . . . that USB boot is not supported until
something like > '04 units or so . . . and so after that time it would be
possible and before that it would not be, etc . . . . In my case both of