> "Unknown" == Unknown writes:
>> > I think a safe way to try is use a ram version pmon(make tgt=ram) >
>> first. The ram version can be loaded from disk or network at old >
>> pmon > command line. If the functionality is ok, the updating of pmon
>> > itself > is quite safe.
>> Thanks fo
the Loogson3A 6100 mini-ITX based system comes with two fans installed
on the main-board: a 50 x 50 mm fan on the CPU, plus a 30x30 mm fan on
the chipset. Both fans have a 3-pin connector.
Is it safe to assume that these are 12 V fans and the 3rd pin is a
"standard" RPM monitoring pin? Wo
The main reason for upgrading pmon should be that new pmon uses a new way to
pass information to the kernel(we have defined a specification for this, ). I
have a rough idea to avoid upgrading pmon: write a little app for pmon and use
it to fill the information tables then load new kernels with
Will ask our hardware guy about this.
-- Original --
From: "David Kuehling";
Date: Wed, Jan 20, 2016 09:05 PM
To: "loongson-dev";
Subject: [loongson-dev] Loongson3A mini-itx chipset cooler repacements?
the Loogson3A 6100 mini-ITX based system comes