不用管这个补丁了,我已经和 Alexandre Oliva 沟通了一周了。
2014-08-02 4:06 GMT+08:00 Wu Zhangjin :
> 现在是Alexandre Oliva在维护,如果Lemote有开发者有时间,也可以直接参与进来维护。
> On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Huacai Chen wrote:
>> 这个龙芯社区...就像你说的,比较的半死不活。
>> 严格来说,应该是爱好者的补丁先集成到 linux-loongson-community.git,然后由
>> linux-loongson-commun
Hi all,
I've dug my Yeeloong 2F out of storage and have been trying to get an OS
onto it. I've tried Debian, but it fails to install GRUB - then cannot
find boot.cfg when it tries to boot. I wasn't able to manually boot it with
The only OS's I've managed to get onto it successfully are
hi David
Not sure how bad you messed with the boot loader, if you aren't flash/replace
the Pomn, you can still get your system back booting from USB disk. Format
first partition as ext3, drop boot.cfg there.
If you are fine with Gentoo Linux, you can try it(Google it). And wifi just
Hi David,
2014-08-02 19:13 GMT+08:00 David Crawford :
> I've dug my Yeeloong 2F out of storage and have been trying to get an OS
onto it. I've tried Debian, but it fails to install GRUB - then cannot
find boot.cfg when it tries to boot. I wasn't able to manually boot it with
Is there an e
David, I'm only a user (not a developer) of a Lemote Yeeloong 2F, but
I've owned this since 2011, and I've used gnewsense the whole time
without a problem.
I recently installed the latest gnewsense after running
gnewsense "metad" for for a few years. I found the installation
process via USB to be