[Logica-l] Mathematicians are obsessed with patterns. They've been obsessed for so long you'd think they've got it figured all out. But just recently they discovered a new type of pattern that is ever

2024-10-27 Por tôpico Ruy Jose Guerra Barretto de Queiroz
skdh (@Sabine Hossenfelder) postou: Mathematicians are obsessed with patterns. They've been obsessed for so long you'd think they've got it figured all out. But just recently they discovered a new type of pattern that is everywhere in nature. https://t.co/Y6muCIhzVV https://x.com/skdh/status/185056

[Logica-l] Doação de livros

2024-10-27 Por tôpico Walter Carnielli
Bom dia lógica(o)s, Estou no momento no Novo México visitando meu amigo e co-autor Richard (Arf) Epstein, e ele tem vários para doação. Seriam cerca de 300 livros , mais ou menos entre 150 e 200 kg. Para enviar, o melhor valor seria pelos Correios americano, que daria uns US$ 1.500 mais ou m