Re: ShipIt Requests For LoCo Team Events

2009-12-17 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, I was under the impression that, CDs would be sent to non members if they've never received a cd before, to offical LoCos and to Ubuntu members if they needed them for an event. To encourage people who've never had a cd before they would get preference as if you're using Ubuntu you're mo

Re: ShipIt Requests For LoCo Team Events

2009-12-17 Thread Laura Czajkowski
t;>: > > 2009/12/17 Laura Czajkowski <>: > >> To encourage people who've never had a cd before they would get preference > >> as if you're using Ubuntu you're more than likely be able to burn a cd. > >> It&rs

International Women's Day -- Competition!

2010-01-10 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Greetings all! Firstly, some introductory reading for those who are not familiar with International Women's Day: and Ubuntu-Women has tried in the past to find some way to celebrate this event, but as

Ubuntu LoCo Re Approval Process

2010-01-20 Thread Laura Czajkowski
urrent LoCo Council you will hear from are regarding this re approval process are · Laura Czajkowski (czajkowski) · Alan Pope (popey) · Jan Claeys (janc) · Efrain Valles (effie-jayx) · Christophe Sauthier (huats) · Chris Crisafulli (itnet7) If you have any other queries about this, y

Re: How many Contacts are required per team ?

2010-01-20 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Matthew East wrote: > On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 7:44 PM, Hollman Enciso R. > wrote: > >> Recently we have created the Ubuntu Colombian Council in order to divide >> responsabilities in the administration. We currently have 5 members of the >> council, including myself, the LoCo contact. >> >> At

Re: Ubuntu LoCo Re Approval Process

2010-01-23 Thread Laura Czajkowski
> > Its unclear to me if the renewal process requires a (re)application > wiki page. The renewal wiki states that the *process* is the same, > but does the council want a re-approval wiki page? Or do we just need > to be able to answer questions relating to the guidelines for approval? > > Thank


2010-01-24 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, I'm heading to FOSDEM I'll be there early Friday and there till Sunday evening if anyone wants to meet up. There are 6 of us from the Irish LoCo going and looking to meet up with folks. Laura -- Skype

LoCo Directory developers would like some input

2010-03-24 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! As many of you know the LoCo directory is up and running and with that is the events section. Many teams have added their Global Jam details to it, well done it's looking great! I'm posting here as the developers would like some feed back on the below issue, I've included the bug this

LoCo Council IRC Meeting Minutes

2010-03-25 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-jayx) ChristopheSauthier (huats) ChrisCrisafulli (itnet7) Regards Laura Czajkowski on behalf of the Ubuntu LoCo Council -- skype: lauraczajkowski Message sent using UebiMiau 2.7.10 --

Re: LoCo Directory developers would like some input

2010-03-25 Thread Laura Czajkowski
t > organizers and anyone browsing the site. > > On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Dan Trevino <> wrote: > > On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Laura Czajkowski <> wrote: > >> Aloha! > >> > >> As many of y

Call for LoCo Council Elections

2010-03-26 Thread Laura Czajkowski
s over the LoCo Council will collate the nominations and double check that each person nominated is still happy to stand. Regards Laura Czajkowski, on behalf of the Ubuntu LoCo Council -- skype:

Fwd: LoCo Content In Weekly Videocast?

2010-03-29 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Original Message Subject:LoCo Content In Weekly Videocast? Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 00:16:41 -0700 From: Jono Bacon Reply-To: Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts To: Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts Hi Everyone! As some of you will

Re: Fwd: LoCo Content In Weekly Videocast?

2010-03-29 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 29/03/10 08:22, Laura Czajkowski wrote: > > Original Message > Subject: LoCo Content In Weekly Videocast? > Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 00:16:41 -0700 > From: Jono Bacon > Reply-To: Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts >

Regional Membership Boards: Restaffing

2010-04-09 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Please help spread the word, so we get people from a very broad spectrum. --- Hello, on 2010-05-05 the following members of the Regional Membership Boards will expire: - Americas: Cody A.W. Somerville, Elizabeth Krumbach, Mike Basinger,

What have LoCo teams organised

2010-04-12 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha folks! I'm trying to work on gathering some information on what you, your members and volunteers all do in your LoCo. What kind of events you run, from release parties to giving talks, geeknicks and roughly how many attend these. This helps see what LoCo teams organise and also give other

Re: What have LoCo teams organised

2010-04-12 Thread Laura Czajkowski
om: Martin Owens To: Laura Czajkowski , Ubuntu local community team LoCo contacts Subject: Re: What have LoCo teams organised Date: 12/04/10 15:50 > Aloha Cz, > > Don't we have a good database to put all these events in at > ? > > that's where we keep al

Re: What have LoCo teams organised

2010-04-12 Thread Laura Czajkowski
The reason for the information is at present not every team unfortunately uses the team reports we're working on that. At present the LoCo directory doesn't have the functionality of stats, this has been noted and may happen soon enough. I created the wiki page as very simply I'll be at UDS and

Re: Lucid Release Party badges

2010-04-13 Thread Laura Czajkowski
I'd assume as many of the release parties happen in places where they are serving beer and it's a party? But perhaps considering some folks would be underage it might be an idea to have them with the option of Beer and not if that was possible? great design! Laura -- h

IRC Meeting 20th April

2010-04-22 Thread Laura Czajkowski
S Laura chaired the meeting, and we used mootbot again. We discussed our agenda items,and asked Efrain Valles who had been dealing with Ubuntu El Salvador for a update. Next agenda item was Leadership CoC not given to LoCo Leads this was brought to our attention via a bug and we have two outco

Re: Asked to pay for the CDs pack

2010-05-09 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 09/05/10 12:30, Ddorda wrote: > Hello there, > I had a call today from TNT asking me to pay 250 NIS (about $65) for > the pack. > I asked them to check if the sender can pay for it, as i don't think i > was supposed to pay. > > did that happened to someone but me? how do you deal with it? > >

shipit issue with vat

2010-05-09 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha folks! Just spoken with Maria who is in charge of the Shipit program. She has said if there are any teams who receive an invoice to contact her regarding this issue. Please contact her and she will deal with this issue. Regards Laura --

Re: Loco-Directory Meeting Feature

2010-06-10 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 10/06/10 15:05, Michael wrote: > We have been asked to add a meeting tracking feature to > which will replace the use of Wiki pages for > planning the meeting times and agenda. > > To this end, we are drafting a specification to provide this, and would > like the your feed

Upcoming M Cycle Re Approvals

2010-06-14 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! Just to clarify the LoCo Council will be contacting teams for re approval this cycle, they were chosen at random. As you can imagine the list of teams is large and this process only started last cycle. If your team is ON THIS LIST

Using the tag #locoteams when using twitter/

2010-06-22 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha!! So I’ve been pondering and mulling trying to figure out how best to interact with LoCo Teams. I’m on IRC and run a screen session so even when not there folks leave me a message. It’s handy but I know not everyone uses IRC. Then we have a mailing list LoCo contacts list which isn’t bei

Re: Using the tag #locoteams when using twitter/

2010-06-22 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 22/06/10 21:25, wrote: > Great idea! > > Should we select a 'preferred' network -- identica vs. twitter? > > Nope lets not, let people chose what ever they want. Most folks are on both, or at least on one of them. If you all use the tag #locoteams we can create

Re: Using the tag #locoteams when using twitter/

2010-06-23 Thread Laura Czajkowski
> > It's telling this has started a pretty active thread. It means the > loco team contacts still care. And that's important. > > > F. > Exactly the idea of this thread was to get discussion going #locoteams last night was a tag I searched for last night and teams were already using it! Thanks

LoCo Health Check

2010-06-27 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, *LoCo Health Che*ck sessions on the 1st Tuesday of each month in *#ubuntu-locoteams*. In this session if you have any queries from your team or ideas you want to get some feedback on this would be a great place to bring them up and chat to others in the community.The idea is we the coun

Re: LoCo Health Check

2010-06-28 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 28/06/10 03:25, Indigo196 wrote: > Is there a chance to have these sessions held spread out over a broader > set of times to accommodate locos in different TZs? > > cp > > On Sun, 2010-06-27 at 16:45 +0100, Laura Czajkowski wrote: > > > > Lets see how th

Re: Return the ShipIt CDs?

2010-06-28 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 28/06/10 07:37, Phuong Vo wrote: > Hello everyone! > > I am ubuntu-vn LoCo contact, recently we have requested the CDs pack > from ShipIt program, and now the shipping company is asking me to pay > 262$ for the tax on the CDs (5$ per CD * 350 CDs * 15% tax). I tried > to solve it with the custom

LoCo Directory request

2010-06-29 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha folks! Me again! We've been looking for team contact information on the LoCo Directory and noticed some teams do not have team information displayed under resources on their team page even though they do have a website, wiki page and irc. The LoCo directory is just that, a way for peop

LoCo Health Check

2010-07-06 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha folks, Just a reminder that the LoCo Health check is on today Why not use these sessions to ask questions to the council and other teams and get feedback on ideas, plans or general LoCo questions. If you like, add a topic to be discuss

LoCo Health Check Meeting - Minutes

2010-07-06 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! Thanks to those who came today, for those who couldn't make it here are the minutes of the session For information on the #ubuntu-locoteams channel please see Please pass this information onto

Re: Need help getting an Ubuntu Stack Exchange created through promotion

2010-07-15 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 15/07/10 11:12, Evan Dandrea wrote: > Hi there! > > > This is where you come in. :) If this project excites you as much as > it does for me, wont you please tell your LoCo teams about it. Feel > free to use your own referral link (Stack Exchange has a spectacularly > fun reward / badges system

LoCo Council Meeting Reminder

2010-07-16 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! We noticed in last months meeting a lack of community team members attending the LoCo Council meeting. This meeting is open to all team members not just point of contacts. The meeting is not just for Approval and Re approval of teams either. If you have a question for the council or

Re: Need help getting an Ubuntu Stack Exchange created through promotion

2010-07-17 Thread Laura Czajkowski
s replies, it looks that you simply ignored the > messages where the main idea is explained. People have nothing to do > with Facebook and twitter, until somebody doesn't try to make `a must` > out of it. Those who are using resources like SE didn't ask to support > their initiative, they just regi

Re: Summary of the Ubuntu LoCo Council meeting on 20th July 2010

2010-07-22 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 22/07/10 11:32, Ddorda wrote: > Hey there, > I'd like to know if there's some kind of list to see when it's my > LoCo's turn... > > thanks, > Ddorda (Ubuntu-IL) > You can look at your expiry date here, but we do call some teams a little before their time

Approval and Re Approval for LoCo Teams some Helpful hints

2010-07-22 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, I've had some time recently to review a lot of wiki applications for LoCos. It is truly amazing the amount of work some teams do and is a great source of ideas to try for other teams. With that said, I've also seen some wiki pages which are less than clear on what the team is doing whi

Re: Massachusetts: Approval

2010-07-24 Thread Laura Czajkowski
>>> Thanks very much, having a stable set of events out there would be most >>> beneficial to the teams balance. Of course so far it's been imbalanced >>> by population and transportation ease in Boston and the area on the >>> East. >>> >>> Could you send your folks over to the meeting on the 5th

Monthly Reports

2010-07-27 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, going through the approvals and re approvals it's evident some teams do use monthly reports to let their team and others know what they are up to, but a lot don't. Monthly reports are a really good habit to get into for all

LoCo Health Check August Meeting

2010-08-02 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Hi, there will be a LoCo Check meeting today If anyone has any agenda items or wants to bring up a topic to discuss please add it to the wiki before the meeting starts. Thanks Laura -- http://www.lczajkows

LoCo Directory - Language Selection

2010-08-12 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha folks, If you log into the LoCo Directory (LD) you'll see some teams not listed under a country. In order to fix this, PLEASE select lanuage(s) under your team. Many teams have not done this and it would help tidy up some of the teams so they are not homeless on the LD. http://loco.ubu

Ubuntu LoCo Council Meeting Reminder

2010-08-14 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, Just to remind folks there is an Ubuntu LoCo Council meeting this week on Wednesday 17th August at 8pm UTC -

LoCo Directory Bugs/Thoughts/Comments

2010-08-14 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! The lovely LoCo Directory(LD) developers have done an amazing job on the LD. What was an idea started off as has really come to fruit and now is a useful source of information for everyone. For your own team, for people travelling to see if they are in the area and if you've events ru

Re: Ubuntu LoCo Council Meeting Reminder

2010-08-14 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 14/08/10 19:25, Jean7491 wrote: > The Ubuntu LoCo Council meeting is on Tuesday 17th August, and not > Wednesday ! > > Le 14/08/10 18:45, Laura Czajkowski a écrit : >> Aloha, >> >> Just to remind folks there is an Ubuntu LoCo Council meeting this week >>

Re: We need your help!

2010-08-15 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Ok folks! there seems to be some confusion, tone and un pleasantries going on here. Paul mailed the list asking for some help with regards to the Classbot Nathan Handler is working on to help loco teams. The reason sometimes things are sent to this list as there are more people on here who can

Re: We need your help!

2010-08-15 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 15/08/10 19:35, Nathan Haines wrote: > On 08/15/2010 11:20 AM, Alan Bell wrote: > >> On 15/08/10 18:48, Chuck Frain wrote: >> >> >>> The question to you was "are you suggesting that the digest subscribers >>> and non-subscribers are not allowed to participate on this mailing >>> list?"

August 17th Ubuntu LoCo Council IRC Meeting

2010-08-17 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! Thanks to all those who came and took part in the meeting. It really is great to see teams come to these meetings and bringing others with you to cheer you on makes it very interesting. We are at present having TWO meetings a month to clear the back log of the re approvals and doing othe

LoCo Directory - useful if kept up to date

2010-08-22 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha ! We now have this fantastic all in one place information on teams, global and local events. It makes finding information for everyone a lot easier. It’s come on a long way and looks rather pretty also and is still being worked on there are bugs logged for some issues so with every week

New Conference packs for LoCo Teams

2010-08-24 Thread Laura Czajkowski
on a generic Ubuntu video in English and a few other languages - this will be added to the wiki page <> once completed. Laura Czajkowski on behalf of the Ubuntu LoCo Council -- Sky

Re: Best Practices and Guidelines

2010-08-24 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 24/08/10 16:33, Darcy Casselman wrote: > Thanks your suggestions, by the way. They're very helpful. > > On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:36 AM, YoBoY wrote: > >> There is no rules. >> > I'm not so much looking for rules as--as the subject says, I > suppose--best practices and guidelines. >

Maverick Meerkat Release Parties

2010-08-25 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! Not long left till Maverick Meerkat aka 10.10 is released with that in mind it's time for loco teams to start to plan for their release party. I've added the global event to the LoCo Directory Maverick Meerkat is scheduled for release on the 10th of the 10th 2010. To celebrate 10.10 LoC

Re: August Team Reports

2010-08-30 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 29/08/10 21:24, Nathan Handler wrote: > Hello everyone, > > This is just a reminder that the team reports for August [1] will be > published in next week's issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter [2]. > Make sure your reports for August are complete by the end of > Saturday to ensure they get incl

Speakers List

2010-08-30 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! I came across this wiki page over the weekend and I thought folks might be interested in adding their names or updating team information on it and also spreading the word to your LoCo Teams as well. Laura --

Banner information

2010-08-31 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! Following on from my mail last week regarding the up to date conference packs and the new banners for APPROVED teams, we have created a new wiki page we need the team contact to fill in. The wiki pages lists the teams at present

Re: Banner information

2010-09-04 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 04/09/10 12:44, David Rubin wrote: > On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Laura Czajkowski > wrote: > >> Aloha! >> >> Following on from my mail last week regarding the up to date conference >> packs and the new banners for APPROVED teams, we have created a

Kernel/BugTriage/Summit/Maverick TODAY

2010-09-11 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha folks Just to let you know that the Kernel team have organised the first Kernel Bug Triage Summit taking place today! Everyone is invited to take part and learn from the experts. The time table is HERE -> It's a short day so if

Ordering 10.10 Team CDs

2010-09-23 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, I've been asked to let teams know that you can now start to request your 10.10 CDs. We will start shipping these on the 13th October so teams need to be aware of this, after that it should take up to 5 days. If teams request the cds after the 4th October it is also OK but it might take lon

Release Parties

2010-09-28 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha Just to remind teams to add their 10.10 Release party to the LoCo directory, there are 19 there at present be nice to add some more to it! There are over 142 teams! Laura --

Re: Release Parties

2010-09-29 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 29/09/10 14:21, Ralph Janke wrote: > Party is whatever you define as a party! > > LoCo can and should do whatever they deem appropriate and > what their local community wants and/or expects. > > Release parties are a good way to share information about > open source and Ubuntu and to celebrate

Ubuntu Development with Daniel Holbach

2010-11-25 Thread Laura Czajkowski
“Ubuntu Development with Daniel Holbach” kicks off today development videocast starting at 16:00 UTC - bring your friends and also bring questions Laura -- skype: lauraczajkowski

Re: Reminder : Banner Request for Approved Loco

2010-12-03 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 > I sent an email to the list a while ago asking the same thing but it > also seems to have been forgotten in the ether :). > > Council what is happening with this? > > David > Aloha, As far as I'm aware there wasn't going to be a mail sent back

Re: Reminder : Banner Request for Approved Loco

2010-12-03 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 > Is there any thing we can do about this? Is there a direct email > address we can contact them on? > > Thanks > > David > contact the address again and explain the issue. Christophe will look after it from there, Laura - -- https://wiki.ubun


2011-01-05 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Aloha folks! It's just a month to FOSDEM - If anyone is going and wants to meet up it would be great to meet more loco members, a wiki page has been created last year 24 of us went for dinn

Re: Launchpad team subscription policy change

2011-01-20 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 > > I would be ok accepting users until such time as we get this fixed > since I am fairly active on Email but this is hardly an ideal > solution. > > Thanks for pointing this out Bilal. > > David > Have poked some launchpad people about this and

Re: Launchpad team subscription policy change

2011-01-20 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 > If this is going to be implemented in LP I think our LoCo have to consider > dropping the membership in locoteams and locoteams-approved. > > NO! Please don't! This will have a knock on effect on the LoCo Directory! I have contacted someone wit

Re: Changes to Launchpad team membership

2011-01-20 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 20/01/11 22:03, Matthew Revell wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I work on the Launchpad team at Canonical. Before I say anything else, > I'm sorry for the way that we've handled the recent changes to team > membership policies. We should have spoken to

Teams up for re approval Re-approvals for O-Cycle

2011-05-21 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 To explain this a little more as there seems to be some confusion. Paul sent a mail to locoteams as well as sending a BUG to each of the team owners which are up for renewal this cycle. If your team owner received a bug what that means is your team

REMINDER to order you Natty CDs

2011-05-23 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Aloha, It seems some of the Approved LoCos have not ordered their cds, please do so if you require them from thanks Laura - -- Skype: lauraczajkowsk

Re: REMINDER to order you Natty CDs

2011-05-23 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 23/05/11 14:59, Darcy Casselman wrote: > On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 7:09 AM, Laura Czajkowski > wrote: >> Aloha, >> >> It seems some of the Approved LoCos have not ordered their cds, please >> do so

Re: REMINDER to order you Natty CDs

2011-05-23 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Mail and check On 23/05/11 15:05, Zied ALAYA wrote: > Hi Laura, > the link is to order new pack. > how can we verify the ordered pack ? > > On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 12:09 PM, Laura Czajkowski > wrote: &

Re: Please share with your LoCos

2011-05-25 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Fabian, While I do appreciate your personal stance on the matter of FLOSS I do think it's extremely poor form to not pass it onto your loco team you represent by being on this list if you are the contact for that team. I do appreciate the language ba

June Meeting

2011-06-15 Thread Laura Czajkowski
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Aloha Just a reminder to teams, that this months meeting will take place in #ubuntu-meeting on Tuesday 21st @ 8pm UTC If any team wants to add their re approval application you can add it here to the agenda

Re: Will you be adversely affected if Launchpad stops mailing on 'open' team membership changes?

2011-07-25 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 25/07/11 17:06, Flemming Christensen wrote: > +1 for checkbox > Ubuntu Danmark LoCo Team > flemming christensen (laoshi) > > man, 25 07 2011 kl. 16:01 +0300, skrev Michael Kotsarinis: >> 2011/7/25 Amir Eldor >> +1 for the checkbox >> i like checkboxes >> >> >>

Re: [RFC] LEP#2, Local Community Teams vs. Locale Teams

2011-07-27 Thread Laura Czajkowski
> > Indeed. I was for a long time advocating for cross-polinization and > cooperation work for all Spanish speaking LoCo teams within the > Launchpad Framework. We had meetings with most Spanish speaking LoCo > contacts and key community members across the globe and even if we > understood and tr

Ubuntu Global Jam

2011-08-16 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha folks, I've added some information on the UGJ that is happening in September - Lets get more teams taking part at present only 16 teams have signed up on the LD Laura -

11.10 Release Party Announcement

2011-08-22 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! I've added the 11.10 Release party to the LD, and added a short post to the LoCo Council blog, hope to see all the teams adding their events to the LD soon! Thanks Laura -- http://w

11.10 Release art work Image for parties

2011-10-06 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, Thanks to Paul Sladen we now have the 11.10 art work image for use online for teams to access. The Kubuntu image is large at present but will be altered soon as you can see from the bug

LoCo Council call for Nominations

2011-10-25 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha Thanks to the great work Alan Pope, Christophe Sauthier, Chris Crisafulli and Laura Czajkowski have done in the Ubuntu LoCo Council, in November their term comes to an end. We’d like to thank them for their hard work in the Ubuntu community and continued contributions. I’m writing this

Release CDs Oneiric

2011-11-02 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, It's been rather quiet here, usually teams post when they got their cds, if any APPROVED LoCo has not received their cds could you MAIL ME OFF LIST please and I will follow up on it. Thanks Laura -- Skype: lauraczajkowski

Re: [Fwd: Ambassadors/LoCo session at FOSDEM 2012]

2012-01-20 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 19/01/12 23:08, kurt belgrave wrote: I vote for Laura since she is so close to Belgium :D kurt belgrave loco contact for ubuntu trinidad I shall indeed be there! I am taking part in the panel discussion which is scheduled for Sunday if anyone is around - http://fosde

Precise Release party

2012-03-06 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha I've added the Global Precise release party to the loco team portal If you team is going to have a party, hold a quiz, have some food and catch up with members in your loco to celebrate the release of 12.04 why not add your team event!

Changes to work items in Launchpad - Blueprints

2012-03-08 Thread Laura Czajkowski
e blueprints for their activities. [o] Laura -- Laura Czajkowski Launchpad Support Specialist -- loco-contacts mailing list

Changes to work items in launchpad

2012-03-15 Thread Laura Czajkowski
help guide: If you have any questions or comments, please join us on the launchpad-users mailing list at: Cheers! Laura -- Laura Czajkowski Launchpad Support Specialist -- Laura Czajkowski Launchpad Support

12.04 Release party

2012-03-16 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, It's getting close to the release of 12.04 and with that in mind many LoCos will host a release party! I've created the event [0] on the Loco team Portal(LTP) and you can add your team to the list. It would be great to see lots of teams running a party, taking photos to show to everyo

update to approvals/reapproval wiki pages

2012-03-21 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha, One of the main functions of the LoCo Council[0] is to approve/re-approve the great LoCo teams that make up the amazing base of the Ubuntu Community. As such, having quality documentation that tells LoCo teams in a clear fashion the expectations we have of all approved teams is of upm

Congrats to Egypt LoCo

2012-03-21 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On March 20th the LoCo Council met and had only one new LoCo team to review for approval; the Egyptian LoCo[0]. The Egyptian LoCo's approval application[1] was a great example of a quality application as it even included nice graphs to help visualise some of the plans the LoCo is putting into

Ubuntu code of conduct update

2012-04-16 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Hi just to let people know and so they can share with their teams, the Ubuntu code of conduct has been updated. For more information please see - Thanks Laura -- loco-contacts mailing list https://lis

Re: Ubuntu code of conduct update

2012-04-16 Thread Laura Czajkowski
nk to a nicely-formatted diff? Neal McBurnett On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 02:00:06PM +0100, Laura Czajkowski wrote: Hi just to let people know and so they can share with their teams, the Ubuntu code of conduct has been updated. For more information pleas

Re: Ubuntu code of conduct update

2012-04-17 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 17/04/12 11:02, Simos Xenitellis wrote: On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Dmitry Agafonov wrote: Indeed, for the purposes of digitally signing the document and becoming an Ubuntero, it should probably be the original document in English. LoCos though would love to have the document in thei

Re: Pre-orders for 12.04 release

2012-04-18 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 17/04/12 23:48, Simos Xenitellis wrote: However, the page that we fill in to receive the CDs states: "Requests are limited to a maximum of one box of CDs per team, per release and will only be accepted from the __team contacts__ of APPROVED LoCo teams. All other requests will be rejected." T

Re: Looking for a wiki Instance

2012-05-02 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 02/05/12 18:02, Greg Grossmeier wrote: So, I take your point that w.u.c is not for support, and it is probably true that really isn't the nicest of places to do this kind of work. However, I'm now thinking about how best to take this opportunity to support the wider

Re: Reapproval Issues

2012-05-06 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 07/05/12 00:04, Pablo Rubianes wrote: Hello, I am writing because I just want to let know, that the reappoval system is not working properly, as I am contact for Uruguay LoCo and today I get an Email from Launchpad telling me that Ubuntu-uy membership end in 7 days. I thought that the LoCo Cou

Re: 12.04 release

2012-05-17 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 17/05/12 18:18, Pablo Rubianes wrote: David, me parece que no entendiste aca en Uruguay nos pasa lo mismo, la aduana cree que los vamos a vender, no entienen de alquien mande una cantidad tan grande de Cds para regalar, por lo tanto mientras no solucionamos eso no estamos pidiendo los cds para

Ubuntu Global Jam

2012-08-16 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! The next Ubuntu Global Jam is coming up 6 - 9 September 2012. - Details at: The loco council has previously written some helpful hints on our blog:

More images on LoCo Team portal

2012-08-28 Thread Laura Czajkowski
Aloha! I've just spent some time looking at the LTP and the images on there, there are some pretty amazing stuff on there! It's really cool to see what other teams are doing and it's rather inspiring! It's easy to see some teams on the team page have used the #tag for Ubuntu or their team ta

Re: Request for LoCo Council Nominations

2012-09-12 Thread Laura Czajkowski
aloha! Hey folks just a reminder nominations are still open and close tomorrow so if you're still interested please let us know and drop us an email. If you have any questions just ask. Thank you Laura Dear LoCo Contacts and Teams, We on the LoCo Council are being faced with the chal

Re: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 282

2012-09-12 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 12/09/12 18:01, IdleOne wrote: > Hello Marcus, > > Considering that the newsletter is about the goings on in the Ubuntu > community I think it would be of interest to at least some of the LoCo > members to read about it. > > IdleOne > John Chiazzese > > > On 12-09-11 01:20 AM, m...@marcusmoeller

Re: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 282

2012-09-12 Thread Laura Czajkowski
On 12/09/12 19:56, Marcus Moeller wrote: > Hi all. > >>> >>> >> I think it's a great form of news for locoteams, many members pass this >> news onto their members, others get ideas from the postings and even >> better still, some get involved and help out with UWN which benefits >> everyone. So I a

Re: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 282

2012-09-12 Thread Laura Czajkowski
updates (and maybe hand them out to the LoCo > members). > > Greets > Marcus > Marcus, Let me be clear, it is not spam, UWN is a recognised newsletter in the Ubuntu community and many people refer to it for stats and the news items. It is one mail a week. Might I suggest as

Re: Ownership of Arkansas LoCo team in Launchpad

2012-09-20 Thread Laura Czajkowski
t information is any good or not > > How can we get the Launchpad ownership of the team transferred to > someone who is more active, such as myself? hey Tommy you'll need to create a to get the ownership changed there, I'll add th

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