Nigel Babu schreef op za 04-06-2011 om 11:08 [+0530]:
> On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Gauthamraj Elango
> wrote:
> > Name of the list:ubuntu-ind-tn
> > Purpose:To promote people of tamilnadu to use the Ubuntu
> > Contact:Gauthamraj
> >
> >
> There's already
Neal McBurnett schreef op ma 06-06-2011 om 22:12 [-0600]:
> remember that IPv4 addresses are nearly all allocated!
Unfortunately, most DSL/cable ISPs in Europe (and I assume also the US?)
have "hamstered" enough IPv4 addresses for the next 5 years or so, which
means most of them aren't in a hurry
Ubuntu Community Week is Coming!
As many of you know, we've announced "Ubuntu Community Week" July 18
thru July 22nd 2011. The event outline is available on the wiki, and a draft schedule of
topics and presenters will soon be announced. This is where