Changes in directory llvm-test/External/SPEC/CINT95:
Makefile updated: 1.8 -> 1.9
Log message:
no idea why this is disabled, it works
Diffs of the changes: (+0 -7)
Makefile |7 ---
1 files changed, 7 deletions(-)
Index: llvm-test/External/SPEC/CINT95/Makefile
diff -u llvm-
Changes in directory llvm-test/External/SPEC/CINT95:
Makefile updated: 1.7 -> 1.8
Log message:
134.perl is causing major problems for sabi, so I am filtering it out on alpha
until it can be tracked down
Diffs of the changes: (+8 -0)
Makefile |8
1 files changed, 8 inse