Changes in directory nightlytest-serverside:
NightlyTestAccept.cgi updated: 1.27 -> 1.28
Log message:
removed dupilicate mysql query during nightly test results acceptance
Diffs of the changes: (+0 -1)
NightlyTestAccept.cgi |1 -
1 files changed, 1 deletion(-)
Index: nightlyt
Changes in directory nightlytest-serverside:
NightlyTestAccept.cgi updated: 1.26 -> 1.27
Log message:
We were looking for wrongly named variables passed via the post method in
nightly test results submissions.
Diffs of the changes: (+9 -11)
NightlyTestAccept.cgi | 20 +
Changes in directory llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JIT:
JIT.cpp updated: 1.71 -> 1.72
Log message:
Fix the build on my old and busted version of OS X
Diffs of the changes: (+6 -1)
JIT.cpp |7 ++-
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Index: llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/J