Re: [lldb-dev] Accessing attached process environment variables with SBAPI

2022-01-31 Thread Jim Ingham via lldb-dev
The SBEnvironment classes and the setting for the environment are currently used just for launching processes. lldb doesn’t keep track of the “live” state of the environment in a process - which can change as the program runs. It would certainly be useful to have a “printenv” function in lldb

[lldb-dev] Accessing attached process environment variables with SBAPI

2022-01-28 Thread Ivan Hernandez via lldb-dev
Hi all, I'm trying to read the value of an environment variable that a process was launched with but to which lldb attached to after it launched. SBEnvironment looked interesting but I tried using ``` script print(lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetEnvironment().Get("PRINT_ME") ``` and that prin