usb: common: otg-fsm: add license to usb-otg-fsm.
Fix warning about tainted kernel because usb-otg-fsm has no license.
WARNING: with this patch usb-otg-fsm module can be loaded
but then the kernel hangs. Tested with a udoo quad board.
Signed-off-by: Oscar Curero
--- a/drivers/usb/common
Fix warning about tainted kernel because usb-otg-fsm has no license.
WARNING: with this patch usb-otg-fsm module can be loaded
but then the kernel will hang. Tested with a udoo quad board.
Signed-off-by: Oscar Curero
drivers/usb/common/usb-otg-fsm.c | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions
El 2016-06-14 08:26, Peter Chen escribió:
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 06:56:30PM +0200, Oscar wrote:
Fix warning about tainted kernel because usb-otg-fsm has no license.
WARNING: with this patch usb-otg-fsm module can be loaded
but then the kernel will hang. Tested with a udoo quad board.
0s] ERROR: "pwrseq_free" [drivers/usb/core/usbcore.ko] undefined!
[21330s] ERROR: "pwrseq_put" [drivers/usb/core/usbcore.ko] undefined!
[21330s] ERROR: "pwrseq_off" [drivers/usb/core/usbcore.ko] undefined!
[21330s] ERROR: "pwrseq_on" [drivers/usb/core/usbcore.ko] undef