On Fri, 14 Dec 2012, fangxiaozhi 00110321 wrote:
> From: fangxiaozhi
> 1. Add a new macro define for USB storage match rule.
> 2. Optimize the match rules with new macro for Huawei USB storage devices,
>to avoid to load USB storage driver for the modem interface
>with Huawei devices.
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:25:25AM +0800, fangxiaozhi 00110321 wrote:
> From: fangxiaozhi
> 1. Add a new macro define for USB storage match rule.
> 2. Optimize the match rules with new macro for Huawei USB storage devices,
>to avoid to load USB storage driver for the modem interface
From: fangxiaozhi
1. Add a new macro define for USB storage match rule.
2. Optimize the match rules with new macro for Huawei USB storage devices,
to avoid to load USB storage driver for the modem interface
with Huawei devices.
3. Add to support new switch command for new Huawei USB dongl