hi all,
I'm a linux-media user who for many years used an fm radio card.
After recent kernel updates, fm no longer works. I frankly, don't
know enough to determine where the problem lies--whether it's hardware
or out of date drivers or unmaintained code.
FM Radio seems to join the "dustbins of
Hi all,
Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question, but I've had
trouble finding recent information about fm card support in light of
recent kernel changes.
I use an fm card (WINTV-GO fm) for listening/recording radio. It's a
great tool for building fair-use recordings.
Hi all,
Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question, but I've had
trouble finding recent information about fm card support in light of
recent kernel changes.
I use an fm card (WINTV-GO fm) for listening/recording radio. It's a
great tool for building fair-use recordings.
fwiw, at the time of writing google finds two different fmtools web
pages, one with 2.0.1 the other with 1.0.2
out of date:
up to date:
gentoo portage still has 1.0.2
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Thanks for the summary.
Any V4L2 fm-card app's working out there?
Also, I apologize in advance for the size of my v4l-info section in
the email. I didn't realize its size until after i emailed.
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hi all,
After recent-ish kernel updates, "fmtools" no longer works. (I'm
running gentoo currently on kernel 3.0.6)
I believe the changes pertain to V4L1 vs L2 api changes. I am not a
linux developer, however, and can't speak w/ authority.
I've appended my v4l-info at the end of this email