legitimate persons to get attention and recognition. Please grant me the
benefit of doubt and hear me out.
My name is Henk Boelens . I work with Western Associate Bank here in Belgium as
a branch bank manager. I discovered an abandoned sum of GBP 19,850,000.00
(Nineteen Million Eight Hundred And Fifty
pervasive use of encryption by my cable provider.
I have kept a log of most of the things I've already tried here:
Is this a common problem when you use two of the same tuners? Who can
help me fix this problem?
Henk Poley
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This patch adds support for Zolid Hybrid TV card. The results are
pretty encouraging DVB reception and analog TV reception are confirmed
to work. Might still need to find the GPIO pin that switches AGC on
the TDA18271.
for more informati