Am Tue, 3 May 2011 16:46:09 -0400
schrieb Jarod Wilson :
> Yeah, good to have confirmation its got the same issue (and that
> it doesn't appear to be a simple case of flat batteries)
I've got a battery tester and some new batteries. ;-)
And my IR plug adapter still reacts perfectly on this RC, o
Am Tue, 3 May 2011 13:16:57 -0400
schrieb Jarod Wilson :
> A quick look at the code suggests the 800i should indeed behave
> more or less the same, barring any hardware-specific implementation
> differences. Sure, might as well send one my way and I'll see what
> I can see.
This RC indeed has the
Am Tue, 3 May 2011 11:40:06 -0400
schrieb Jarod Wilson :
> So there are really two issues here. First up, the default keymap
> isn't correct for this device, and second, the behavior of the
> hardware and/or driver is terrible, as only ~20% of keypresses
> are getting though. The first is easy eno
Am Wed, 27 Apr 2011 22:28:55 +0200
schrieb Heiko Baums :
> It already said "type: NEC". But I ran `sed -i
> "s:x14:x4eb:g" /etc/rc_keymaps/nec_terratec_cinergy_xs` so that it
> says e.g. 0x4eb02 KEY_1 instead of 0x1402 KEY_1.
> And now it spits out a bit mo
Am Wed, 27 Apr 2011 15:19:16 -0400
schrieb Jarod Wilson :
> Heh, we'll get there...
I hope so.
> I meant dmesg output after pressing the button that results in the
> ir-keytable 4eb02 output... If I had to guess though, that was from
> the "1" key on your remote, and the issue here we're facing
Am Wed, 27 Apr 2011 14:28:41 -0400
schrieb Jarod Wilson :
> Moving this over to linux-media, this stuff is all rc-core and is
> more of what I meant should be discussed over here/there. :)
> Hrm, ok, so *something* is resulting in scancodes... This is progress!
> (I think...) :)
I'm not too opti
I've got a problem since a few days after a system update. I don't know
what was updated exactly, if it was the kernel, udev or lirc. I'm using
Arch Linux with kernel
I've got a Terratec Cinergy 1400 DVB-T (a cx88 card). Its IR remote
control has worked perfectly with lirc for many years