Le Fri, 18 May 2001 13:43:21 +0100 (BST)
Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a ecrit :
> > I've no experience of a regularly call that let the hand to the
> > My aim is to do a get data call every x seconds (x is variable).
> init_timer()
> add_timer()
> del_timer()
> are
Le Fri, 18 May 2001 08:32:33 -0400 (EDT)
Bart Trojanowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a ecrit :
> On Fri, 18 May 2001, sebastien person wrote:
> > I have a network module that need to regularly get data from network
> > adaptater.
> > But I don't know if it sa
Début du message transféré :
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 11:39:30 +0200
From: sebastien person <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bart Trojanowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [newbie] timer in module (fwd)
Le Mon, 21 May 2001 19:35:25 -0400 (EDT)
Bart Trojanowski <[EMAIL PROT
is there a max timeout to respect when I use mod_timer ? or add_timer ?
Is it bad to do the following call ?
mod_timer(&timer, jiffies+(0.1*HZ));
that might fire the timer 1/10 second later.
sebastien person
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Le Wed, 23 May 2001 16:58:15 +0200 (MET DST)
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a ecrit :
> "sebastien person wrote:"
> > Is it bad to do the following call ?
> >
> > mod_timer(&timer, jiffies+(0.1*HZ));
> Yes, it is bad. Don'
Is there any documents that explain how upgrade network driver from 2.2.
to 2.4.? that gives details on changes ...
Or maybe best way is to compare same driver in the twice kernel version ?
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Is there changes for handling a serial port between kernel 2.2 and 2.4 ?
sebastien person
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I want to know if someone know where found info about RSVP suuport on
Is it full supported by linux ?
sebastien person
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I'm trying to port a driver to 2.4, but it seem that proc use has changed.
Is somebody have any docs about ?
sebastien person
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Linux Device driver book 2nd edition ? and
does it
deal about porting 2.2 to 2.4 driver ?
sebastien person
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Somebody know how ensure that the ioctl call come from net.agent ?
Am I obliged to handle the ioctl for compatibilty or something else ?
coud I just ignore it ?
I'm using redhat 7.1 kernel 2.4.2
sebastien person
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13: c7 00 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0,(%eax)
Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
4 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.
So I went into slab.c to trying to understand what happen, but I haven't
found what was my error .
Is someone could give me adv
when I try my module with a ping -f , it immediately freez, so I'd like to
what is the best flag for kmalloc when I send a packet and I have to copy
in a new buffer (gfp_kernel | gfp_atomic ?)
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I want to know if the watchdog_timer found in the struct net_device can be
as I want ?
sebastien person
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I have compiled a 2.4 kernel (I was on 2.2) and it seems that everything
well. But when I tried uname -rs I found a 2.2 kernel ? Is it possible
that the
2.4 kernel run and that uname -rs result is wrong ? what really does uname
-rs ,
does it use proc system or maybe anything else ?
I'm trying to send signal from a kernel module to an user prog.
(is it possible ?)
But I've found two ways : kill() or sys_kill().
what is the best way ??
sebastien person
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ation fault.
One solution would be to pass fixed size beetween the both but it
isn't the cleaner.
I've heard about copy_to_user method , is it the best way ?
Is there a way to create a struct in user space dynamicaly from kernel
space ?
thanks for any help ...
sebastien person
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eiving data and handle a higher layer request)
thanks for any comments.
sebastien person
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