MDaemon Notification -- Attachment Removed

2013-01-29 Thread Postmaster
--- MDaemon has detected restricted attachments within an email message --- >From : To: Subject

MDaemon Notification -- Attachment Removed

2012-10-18 Thread Postmaster
The following message contained restricted attachment(s) which have been removed: >From : To: Subject : vsz zkaioojcrfuqg Message-ID: Attachment(s) removed: - (document.scr) --

MDaemon Notification -- Attachment Removed

2012-11-16 Thread Postmaster
--- MDaemon has detected restricted attachments within an email message --- >From : To: Subject : Returned mai

MDaemon Notification -- Attachment Removed

2012-07-10 Thread Postmaster
--- MDaemon has detected restricted attachments within an email message --- >From : To: Subject : [***SPAM*

Attachment Discarded!

2007-06-11 Thread postmaster
WARNING: Message attachments violating Corporate Express' security policy have been discarded! *** Source Mailbox: Destination Mailbox: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message Subject: Delivery reports about your e-mail Incide

MDaemon Notification -- Attachment Removed

2020-08-10 Thread Postmaster
--- MDaemon has detected restricted attachments within an email message --- >From : To: Subject : [***SPAM


2016-05-11 Thread Postmaster
El límite de almacenamiento de sus cuentas de correo electrónico superó debido a la alta spam / correo electrónico. Todos los mensajes entrantes son rechazadas, para volver a validar su cuenta de correo electrónico. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo y rellenar el formulario para volver a validar s

MDaemon Notification -- Attachment Removed

2016-04-22 Thread Postmaster
--- MDaemon has detected restricted attachments within an email message --- >From : To: Subject : Hello

Notification of VIRUS mail

2019-04-20 Thread postmaster
A VIRUS-infected mail is sent to you and Virus-infected attached file is DELETED. Date : Sun, 21 Apr 2019 02:18:39 KST +0900 From : From IP : Subject : Re: Greetings .


2016-10-21 Thread postmaster
-- Geschäftsvorschlag!!! Ich vermute das diese E-Mail eine Überraschung für Sie sein wird, aber es ist wahr.Ich bin bei einer routinen Überprüfung in meiner Bank (First National Bank von Süd Afrika) wo ich arbeite, auf einem Konto gestoßen,was nicht in anspruch genommen worden ist, wo derze

Confidential Business Proposal

2017-04-27 Thread postmaster
Hello,Request for Confidential Business Relationship i will like you to get back to me via my private email at address please contact me via my direct Email contact at for briefing.

BUG REPORT: No irq handler for vector

2015-04-13 Thread Servermaster.IT POSTMASTER
# PLEASE DON’T PUBLISH MY EMAIL ADDRESS # Linux server 3.18.11 #1 SMP Fri Apr 10 21:15:28 CEST 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux Gnu C 4.9.2 Gnu make 4.0 binutils 2.25 util-linux 2.25.2 mount debug module-init-tools 18 e2fsprogs

Disallowed attachment in message

2005-01-24 Thread US Airways Postmaster
In order to protect our network from viruses, US Airways prohibits receipt of certain file attachments via email. The email message described below has been deleted and was not received by the intended recipient. This is not an indication that the attachment contained a virus. It is simply