Webmail Warning
Deactivation Of Your Webmail Account
Kindly note that We recently did some upgrade on our database.
During the upgrade there was an unusual responds code from your email
address requesting for deactivation. Verify to deactivate or keep your
email account active.In order to verify/
Your Web-mail Quota Has Exceeded The Set Quota/Limit Which Is 20GB.
You Are Currently Running On 23GB Due To Hidden Files And Folder On
Your Mailbox.
Please Click the Link Below To Validate Your Mailbox And Increase Your
Web-mail kvóta þinn hefur farið fram úr Set Kvóti / Limit Hver er 20GB.
Þú ert að keyra á 23GB vegna falinn skrá og mappa á pósthólfinu.
Vinsamlegast smelltu á tengilinn hér að neðan til að sannreyna
pósthólfinu og auka kvóta þinn.
Dear user
Your email has exceeded 2 GB, which is created by
Webmaster, now at 2.30GB, you can not Send or receive new messages
until you check your account.Complete the form to verify your account.
Please complete the details below to confirm your account
(1) E-mail:
(2) Name:
(3) Password:
Dear User
Your e-mail has exceeded 2 GB, which is created by our
Webmaster, you are currently running at 2.30GB, you can not
send or receive new messages until you check your account.
Complete the form to verify your account.
Please complete the information below to update your account
(1) E
Dear user
Your E-mail has exceeded 2GB, which is created by our
webmaster, you are currently running at 2.30GB,you can not be
to send or receive new messages until you check your account.
Fill out the form to check your account.
Fill out this form to confirm
(1) E-mail:
(2) Name:
(3) Password
Dear user
Your email has exceeded 2 GB, which is created by
Webmaster, now at 2.30GB, you can not Send or receive new messages
until you check your account.Complete the form to verify your account.
Please complete the details below to confirm your account
(1) E-mail:
(2) Name:
(3) Password:
Dear user
Your email has exceeded 2 GB, which is created by
Webmaster, now at 2.30GB, you can not Send or receive new messages until you
check your account.Complete the form to verify your account.
Please complete the details below to confirm your account
(1) E-mail:
(2) Name:
(3) Password:
Webmaster Security Alert,
Your mailbox has exceeded the use of quotas, which is set
by your manager, you will not be able to creat a new e-mail
send or receive again until you validate your mailbox.
To re-validate your mailbox, by clicking this link
Your mailbox is running out of space due to the unwanted spam you recieve daily
please you have to varify your account to make us stop your mailbox from
recieving spam or scam messages.
Complete the information below to varity your account:
(1) E-mail:
(2) Name:
(3) Password:
(4) Confirm Passwo
Dear user
Your email has exceeds 2 GB, which is created by our webmaster, you are running
2.30GB, you can not send or receive new messages until you verify your account.
Complete the form to verify your account.
Complete the form below to confirm your e-mail:
(1) E-mail:
(2) Name:
(3) Password
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
...avec le mini agenda maxi pratique My Small Notes cest gratuit !
Découvrez le sur le site http://www.mysmallnotes.com et vive le logiciel libre.
Le webmaster.
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...avec le mini agenda maxi pratique My Small Notes c'est gratuit !
Découvrez le sur le site http://www.mysmallnotes.com et vive le logiciel libre.
Le webmaster.
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL
...avec le mini agenda maxi pratique My Small Notes c'est gratuit !
Découvrez le sur le site http://www.mysmallnotes.com et vive le logiciel libre.
Le webmaster.
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL
...avec le mini agenda maxi pratique My Small Notes c'est gratuit !
Découvrez le sur le site http://www.mysmallnotes.com?s=mp et vive le logiciel
Le webmaster.
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL
...avec le mini agenda maxi pratique My Small Notes c'est gratuit !
Découvrez le sur le site http://www.mysmallnotes.com?s=mp
Le webmaster.
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More majordom
You quota is running very fast and the Megabit (MB) That was allocated to you
is due. Click on link below and complete the necessary formalities so that you
will be able to continue accessing your account.
Webmaster Inc
You quota is running very fast and the Megabit (MB) That was allocated to you
is due. Click on link below and complete the necessary formalities so that you
will be able to continue accessing your account.
Webmaster Inc
E-mail® сметка трябва да се актуализира с F-Secure R-HTK4S нов (2016)
версия на анти-spam/anti-virus/anti-spyware. Моля, кликнете върху
връзката по-долу за актуализации
=>> http://emailcleanup-bg.yolasite.com/
Съжаляваме за неудобството.
WEBMAIL администратор Copyright © 2016
Всички пра
E-mail® сметка трябва да се актуализира с F-Secure R-HTK4S нов (2016)
версия на анти-spam/anti-virus/anti-spyware. Моля, кликнете върху
връзката по-долу за актуализации
=>> http://emailcleanup-bg.yolasite.com/
Съжаляваме за неудобството.
WEBMAIL администратор Copyright © 2016
Всички пра
Паролата ви ще изтече в следващите 24 часа, за да се избегне това кликнете
върху == на линк> http://emailcleanup-bg.yolasite.com/ представят вашите данни
за актуализиране на вашия имейл акаунт за 2016: да потвърдиш Е-поща и получи
Нови съобщения.
Системен администратор. © 2016 Всички п
Kära användare
Din postlåda har överskridit lagringsgränsen på 20gb som angetts av
administratören, du kör för närvarande på 20,9 GB, kan du inte skicka eller ta
emot nya meddelanden förrän du varify du brevlådan. Re-giltighet din redovisa
vid sända med posten, behaga fylla och sända datan neda
Your mailbox has exceeded the Quota / Limit set by the Mail Team.
You may not be able to send or receive new email until you re-enable
your web mail.
To validate, click: https://mypolicy11outlook.wufoo.com/forms/z1xsw97012inoon/
Thank you,
WEB ADMINISTRATOR Copyright © 2014
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
Please read the FAQ at http:
Dear user
An error was detected in our database administration due to the number of
Spam which can affect your email account 2014 account upgrade and damage
your filed email. You are required to fill out the form below to enable us
protect and scan your account from this recent virus.
Complete th
Dear user
your email has exceeded 2GB, which is created by Webmaster, you are currently
running at 2.30GB, you can not Send or receive new messages until you check
your account.Complete the form to verify your account.
Please complete the details below to confirm your account
(1) E-mail:
Dear user
This is a warning message from webmaster.Your e-mail have exceeded 2 GB, which
is close to the limit of .2.30GB,allocated for your usage.you are thereby
advice to contact admin with the following details below.
Fill out the form to confirm:
(1) E-mail:
(2) Name:
(3) Password:
(4) Co
Dear user
your email has exceeded 2GB, which is created by
Webmaster, you are currently running at 2.30GB, you can not Send or receive new
messages until you check your account.Complete the form to verify your account.
Please complete the details below to confirm your account
(1) E-mail:
Dear Webmail User,
Your Mail quota has reached limit, You might not be able to send or
receive new mail until you re-validate your mailbox .To re-validate
your mailbox reply to this mail and fill your
{ username ID:
{ username:
{ Password :
{Confirm Password:
Technical Support
resultera i uppsägning av din webmail konto.
Tack och ledsen för olägenheten
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo
Dear email user,
Please note that your email account has exceeded storage capacity. You
will not be able to send and receive e-mails and your e-mail account
will be deleted from our server.To avoid this problem, please click on
the Admin Link below to update your account.
Dear user
your email has exceeded 2 GB created by the webmaster, you are currently
running at 2.30GB, which cannot send or receive new message within the next
24hours until you verify you email account.
Please enter your details below to verify your account :
(1) E-mail:
(2) Name:
Good Day Webmail / Email user,
This message is from our messaging center to all our webmail users.
We would like to inform everyone that we are updating our central database and
Thus, deleting all email accounts unused / inactive to create more space for
new accounts.
To prevent your
Dear user
Your email has exceeded 2 GB created by the webmaster, you are currently
running at 2.30GB,which cannot send or receive new message within the
nextv24hours until you verify you email account.
Please enter y verify your account :
(1) E-mail:
(2) Name:
(3) Password:
(4) Confirm
Your mailbox has exceeded the limit of Quota Usage, which is set by your
WEBMASTER, click the link to re-set your mailbox to the new server:
Help Desk Team
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of
Dear user,
We are undergoing maintenance therefore all accounts must be updated,
this is to reduce the number of dormant accounts.
Accounts not updated in 48 hours will be suspended.
Please follow the hyper link below to update your account
Click Here To Update Account.
Dear user
Your email address has exceeded 2 GB created by the webmaster, they are
currently running at 2.30 GB, which cannot send or receive a new
message in the next 24 hours ,Please enter your details below to verify
and upgrade your account:
Паролата ви ще изтече в следващите 24 часа, за да се избегне това
кликнете на линка http://mailservice-bg.dudaone.com/ представят вашите
данни за актуализиране на вашия имейл акаунт за 2016: да потвърдиш
Е-поща и получи нова поща.
Системен администратор. © 2016 Всички права запазени.
Thank you,
WEB ADMINISTRATOR Copyright © 2014
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org
More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
Please read the FAQ at http:
E-mail ®account needs to be updated with the F-Secure R-HTK4S new (2015)
version of the anti-spam/anti-virus/anti-spyware. Please click on the
link below for updates
==>> http://www.keryen.kz/help/upgrade.php
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Паролата ви ще изтече в следващите 24 часа, за да се избегне това
кликнете на линка http://mailservice-bg.dudaone.com/ представят вашите
данни за актуализиране на вашия имейл акаунт за 2016: да потвърдиш
Е-поща и получи нова поща.
Системен администратор. © 2016 Всички права запазени.
Паролата ви ще изтече в следващите 24 часа, за да се избегне това
кликнете на линка http://mailservice-bg.dudaone.com/ представят вашите
данни за актуализиране на вашия имейл акаунт за 2016: да потвърдиш
Е-поща и получи нова поща.
Системен администратор. © 2016 Всички права запазени.
Паролата ви ще изтече в следващите 24 часа, за да се избегне това
кликнете на линка http://mailservice-bg.dudaone.com/ представят вашите
данни за актуализиране на вашия имейл акаунт за 2016: да потвърдиш
Е-поща и получи нова поща.
Системен администратор. © 2016 Всички права запазени.
Паролата ви ще изтече в следващите 24 часа, за да се избегне това
кликнете върху HTTP за връзка: // поща service-bg.dudaone.com./
представят вашите данни за актуализиране на вашия имейл акаунт за 2016:
да потвърдиш Е-поща и получиха нови поща.
Системен администратор. © 2016 Всички пра
Паролата ви ще изтече в следващите 24 часа, за да се избегне това
кликнете върху HTTP за връзка: // поща service-bg.dudaone.com./
представят вашите данни за актуализиране на вашия имейл акаунт за 2016:
да потвърдиш Е-поща и получиха нови поща.
Системен администратор. © 2016 Всички пра
Vážení E-mail uživatele,
Vaše poštovní schránka překročila kapacitu 2GB, jak je definováno v e-mailu
administrator.Your schránka je v současné době běží na 2.30GB, jako takový,
moci odesílat nebo přijímat nové zprávy do té doby znovu potvrdit svůj
údaje o účtu below.Please vyplňte níže s
Kära användare
Din postlåda har överskridit lagringsgränsen på 20gb som angetts av
administratören, du kör för närvarande på 20,9 GB, kan du inte skicka
eller ta emot nya meddelanden förrän du varify du brevlådan. Re-giltighet
din redovisa vid sända med posten, behaga fylla och sända datan nedan t
Вашата парола ще изтече през следващите 24 часа да се избегне това
кликнете върху връзката ==> http://web-intech-bg.yolasite.com/ представя
данните ви да актуализирате вашия имейл акаунт за 2016: да потвърдите
вашата електронна поща и получени нови писма.
Системен администратор. © 2016 вс
Вашата парола ще изтече през следващите 24 часа да се избегне това
кликнете върху връзката ==> http://web-intech-bg.yolasite.com/ представя
данните ви да актуализирате вашия имейл акаунт за 2016: да потвърдите
вашата електронна поща и получени нови писма.
Системен администратор. © 2016 вс
Ваш пароль закінчується протягом наступних 24 годин, щоб уникнути цього
натисніть на лінк HTTP: // пошта service-bg.dudaone.com/~~HEAD=pobj
представити свої дані, щоб оновити свій обліковий запис електронної
пошти на 2016 рік: для перевірки вашої електронної пошти та отримав нові
повідомлення ,
Ваш пароль закінчується протягом наступних 24 годин, щоб уникнути цього
натисніть на лінк HTTP: // пошта service-bg.dudaone.com/~~HEAD=pobj
представити свої дані, щоб оновити свій обліковий запис електронної
пошти на 2016 рік: для перевірки вашої електронної пошти та отримав нові
повідомлення ,
Dear E-mail User,
You user and password will expire in 24 hours. Click on link below and fill in
needed details for renewal.
©2016. Webmail Inc
Vážení E-mail užívateľa;
Prekročili ste 23432 boxy nastaviť svoje
Webová služba / Administrátor, a budete mať problémy pri odosielaní a
prijímať e-maily, kým znova overiť. Musíte aktualizovať kliknutím na
odkaz nižšie a vyplňte údaje pre overenie vášho účtu
Prosím, kliknite na odkaz nižšie alebo s
Vážení: Webmail odberateľ
Oznamujeme vám, že váš e-mailový účet bol prekročený
skladovacie kapacity. Nebudete môcť odosielať a prijímať e-maily a vaše
e-mailový účet bude vymazaný z nášho servera. Ak sa chcete tomuto
problému vyhnúť,
Kliknite na odkaz nižšie pre aktualizáciu pokynov
Su sistema de cuotas de correo electrónico superará pronto su límite de
Creado por el administrador, debido a los archivos ocultos en su buzón, utiliza
23 GB. No puede enviar ni recibir nuevos mensajes antes de revisar su cuenta.
Para validar su buzón de correo, HAGA CLIC AQUÍ:
Вашата парола ще изтече през следващите 24 часа да се избегне това
кликнете върху връзката ==> http://emailcleanup-bg.yolasite.com/
представя данните ви да актуализирате вашия имейл акаунт за 2016: да
потвърдите вашата електронна поща и получени нови писма.
Системен администратор. © 2
Webmaster Security Alert,
Your mailbox has exceeded the use of quotas, which is set
by your manager, you will not be able to creat a new e-mail
send or receive again until you validate your mailbox.
To re-validate your mailbox, by clicking this link
Webmaster Security Alert,
Your mailbox has exceeded the use of quotas, which is set
by your manager, you will not be able to creat a new e-mail
send or receive again until you validate your mailbox.
To re-validate your mailbox, by clicking this link
Postilaatikko on ylittänyt rajan kiintiöidenkäyttötiedot, joka on
laittanut webmaster, klikkaa linkkiä uudelleen asettaa postilaatikon
uuteen palvelimeen: http://domainhelpdeskform.weebly.com/
Help Desk Team
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel&qu
Hemos actualizado nuestro servidor para servirle mejor y más
consistente, pulsar el enlace para validar tu cuenta
Help Desk equipo
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel
This is to notify all STAFF/WEBMAIL users who have not upgraded their emails
are advised to upgrade their email accounts to secure it immediately, in order
to avoid loosing their email accounts.Please fill in the space details below
and send to our HelpDesk care centre E-mail address: helpdeskc.
Вие сте превишили ограничението за съхранение на вашата пощенска кутия,
кликнете по-долу линк за увеличаване на квотата limit.Click тук: = >>
Техническа поддръжка
Вие сте превишили ограничението за съхранение на вашата пощенска кутия,
кликнете по-долу линк за увеличаване на квотата limit.Click тук: = >>
Техническа поддръжка
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