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Russell Leighton
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Russell Leighton[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programming tod
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and right - although it would not be 'pthreads compliant'. Can anybody
> confirm this feeling?
... add condition variables (maybe a small per-thread storage area)
and I'd toss out pthreads for most apps I write...especially if it is very efficient.
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Russell Leighton[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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the body of a mess
n 2001 14:33:50 -0400, Russell Leighton wrote:
> >
> > Is there a user-space implemenation (library?) for coroutines that would work from
> >
> >
> > Alan Cox wrote:
> >
> > > > Can you provide any info and/or examples of co-routine
s not particularly good at anything (jack of all trades master
of none).
Russell Leighton[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Russell Leighton[EMAIL PROTECTED]
; This depend heavily on the type of project but these are points that every
> software Co. has to face when starting a new project.
Yup...hard decisions. No silver bullet.
> - Davide
Russell Leighton[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bryan Cantrill of Sun (ala DTrace) has a notion of perfect code:
He also has some examples (from bottom comment section of above):
Can you list a small number of examples of "software perfection"?
Posted by Russell L
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