> > need to go into these drivers and patch them for the blessed way?
> > If not, is there some plan in place to bless these functions and
> > remove the code duplication?
> I have no problem with someone verifying they are duplicates and doing
> that work.
pcroe kernel: [valid=0] Info fld=0x0, Current sr00:00: sense key
Illegal Request
Feb 24 18:36:19 ipcroe kernel: Additional sense indicates Invalid command operation
Rick Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://home.mn.rr.com/richardsons/
Twins Cities traffic animations are
driver attached.
$ insmod test.o Amt=4096
Rick Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://home.mn.rr.com/richardsons/
Twins Cities traffic animations are at http://members.nbci.com/tctraffic/#1
Most Minnesotans think Global Warming is a good thing.
the blessed way?
If not, is there some plan in place to bless these functions and
remvoe the code duplication?
Rick Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://home.mn.rr.com/richardsons/
Twins Cities traffic animations are at http://members.nbci.com/tctraffic/#1
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