Special packet inspecting bridging

2001-04-06 Thread Mircea Ciocan
Hi all, I'd like to start a project involving a packet inspecting Ethernet bridge/firewall/traffic shaper that is protocol independent ( I mean no ties to high level protocols like TCP/IP or IPX for ex.). What I want to do is get raw Ethernet packets from one inter

Re: LARGE bug with 2.4.1ac10 and loop filesystem

2001-02-12 Thread Mircea Ciocan
Those patches are online somewhere ??? If you need a hand (trained monkey willing to do compilings, testing and traceing :) I'm here. Mircea C. Alan Cox wrote: > > > Kernel 2.4.1ac9 works OK from that point of view. > > That was Im afraid pure luc

Issues with parport/parport_pc/lp

2001-02-13 Thread Mircea Ciocan
Hi all, Yesterday I see a request for help from the cups printing system mentainer: http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2001-02-12-009-04-OS-CY-HW Basicly it ask you to read the options from the PJL enabled printer you may have by running this small shell script: #

Can I have my loop FS back, plizzz !!!

2001-02-18 Thread Mircea Ciocan
2.4.1ac18 and loop-4 doesn't mix at all well, it didn't even compile ( understandably (sp?) if we think that a large hunk of loop.c is rejected, and by studing the reject it seem to me that the original version and loop-4 are going in differend directions :( ). So, lacking the skil

Buglet: Mount iso-9660 always have exec bit set (755)

2001-02-23 Thread Mircea Ciocan
For a while I'm annoyed by a buglet: When trying to mount an ordinary CD like (as root): mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom -o ro,noexec it works, but all files have the execute attribute set for all users, and that is annoying in MidnightCommander and other filemanagers that try execute th

Re: 242-ac3 loop bug

2001-02-24 Thread Mircea Ciocan
Halleluiah ;)!!! Finally, it works as is suposed to do :, the load on my dual PIIIx950 is 0.01 three times and I can mount and umonunt ISOs as much I wish. Thank you very much Jens and all that provided usefull feedback, this patch alone deserves including in an .acX r

Re: Incorrect CD Drive speed

2001-02-25 Thread Mircea Ciocan
Simple, our friends at No-name OEM Corporation ;) named that drive "CDROM DRIVE 52X" in his ID string, a perfect OEM name that does not involves any brand and looks good in windoze where the l/user see it in system configuration as above. The hard reality is next, meaning the Linux

Problems with SCSI controller !!!

2001-03-20 Thread Mircea Ciocan
Hello everybody, This is a message on behalf of a friend that is not subscribed to list: It's about an ASUS board that has this ncr53-1010 dual 160 SCSI controller (sym53c1010). On both latest kernels (2.2.18ac19 AND 2.4.2ac18) the log and console is fille

Re: Packet/frame generator

2001-03-30 Thread Mircea Ciocan
Here is a nice packet building library: www.packetfactory.net/Projects/Libnet/ HTH Mircea C. Manoj Sontakke wrote: > > Hi > Can anyone tell me a good packet/frame generator for linux? > thanks > > manoj > > - > To unsubscribe from this list:

Re: Packet/frame generator

2001-03-30 Thread Mircea Ciocan
Mircea C. Manoj Sontakke wrote: > > On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Mircea Ciocan wrote: > > > Here is a nice packet building library: > > > > www.packetfactory.net/Projects/Libnet/ > its broken. > > > Can anyone tell me a good packet/frame ge

LARGE bug with 2.4.1ac10 and loop filesystem

2001-02-12 Thread Mircea Ciocan
I think I hit a bug introduced between 2.4.1ac9 and 2.4.1ac10, and a really bad one I belive :(. Bug description: Distribution: Linux Mandrake 7.2 Machine Dual PIII-950, Asus CUBX-E motheboard, 256MB RAM Compiler (kgcc -v):Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-ma

Re: Recent ACPI patch

2001-04-26 Thread Mircea Ciocan
BTW, a quick question, can I use ACPI instead of APM now on my SMP 2xPIII ASUS P3D to do some basic power saving stuff, and even a proper shutdown ??? What version is OK ??? Regards, Mircea C. Jens Taprogge wrote: > > On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 10: