andard input}:8: Warning: Ignoring changed section attributes for
Matthew Vanecek
perl -e 'print
For 93 million miles, there is nothing betw
Keith Owens wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 22:11:04 -0600,
> Matthew Vanecek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi. I see these warnings while compiling modules in 2.4.0-test10. This
> >is with RH 7.0's kgcc (why-oh-why did they base their system on
> >2.96!
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)
me2v@reliant tmp $ gcc -O2 -o bug bug.c ; ./bug
me2v@reliant tmp $ gcc -o bug bug.c ; ./bug
me2v@reliant tmp $ kgcc -O2 -o bug bug.c ; ./bug
me2v@reliant tmp $ kgcc -o bug bug.c ; ./bug
Matthew Va
$ ./op
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
Is that the expected behavior?
Matthew Vanecek
perl -e 'print
For 93 million miles, there is nothing be
; up until last week my main workstation.
> regards,
> Dave.
I've noticed the same problem, and it occasionally happens with XFree86
4.0.1, as well. Hopefully we've established that this is not the
hardware issue which gcc people of so fond of pushing sig 11s on (ev
ny of the folks seeing it checked if Ben LaHaise's fixes for the page
> table updating race help ?
> Alan
Where are his fixes at? I don't seem to see any of his posts in the
Matthew Vanecek
perl -e 'print
> On Sat, 9 Dec 2000, Matthew Vanecek wrote:
> > > Have any of the folks seeing it checked if Ben LaHaise's fixes for the page
> > > table updating race help ?
> > > Alan
> >
> > Where are his fixes at? I d
.6 (S3 Trio 64 accel server), gcc 2.95.2
> Not sure what the problem is yet... keep trying folks. :)
Maybe it's the 3.3.6. RH 7.0 comes with 4.0.1, and a newer glibc.
Perhaps try recompiling XFree86 against the latest RH 7.0 glibc (2.1.94)
and see what happens, or upgrade you
t I had those with kgcc, as well, so I don't reckon those are
Right now, I have test12. This is on my desktop machine, doing normal
desktop stuff (finances, StarOffice, Netscape, Java development,
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