problem with compiling kernel 2.4.1 on top of 2.2.14

2001-01-31 Thread Lukasz Gogolewski
Hello, Just recently I've tried to compile kernel 2.4.1 on my RH 6.2 machine that runs 2.2.14. All my utilities needed in order to compile that kernel are up to date. When I got thru xmake config and I configure all the options. I try to compile it. When I do make dep I dont' get any error mess

problems with sblive as well as 3com 3c905

2001-01-31 Thread Lukasz Gogolewski
After I compiled kernel 2.4.1 on rh 6.2 I enabled module support for 2 of those devices. However when I rebooted my machine both of those devices are not working. I don't know what's wrong since I did make moudle and make module_install. When I try to configure mdoule for the sound card, I get