Re: 2.2.5 more stable than 2.2.12 or later.

2000-11-20 Thread Jan Gyselinck
r kernel yourself? When you compiled the kernel yourself, did you got it from ? If not, I think you should contact RedHat support. Regards Jan Gyselinck On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 07:25:43AM -0800, John Folkers wrote: > Hello. > > I subscribed to this list expressly to tell you

Re: DNS goofups galore...

2001-02-08 Thread Jan Gyselinck
ould require a link maximum > count which could result in obscure breakage.) > > -hpa There's not really something wrong with MX's pointing to CNAME's. It's just that some mailservers could (can?) not handle this. So if you want to be able to receive mail from all kin