Re: Hard lockup switching to X from vc; Matrox G400 AGP

2001-05-30 Thread Rahul Karnik
Hi fellow Matrox users, Maybe I can help in reporting your problems to Matrox. Can you give me some more info as to XFree 86 version and Matrox driver version? -Rahul = -- Rahul Karnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ Do You Yahoo!? Get

Re: Hard lockup switching to X from vc; Matrox G400 AGP

2001-05-27 Thread Rafael Herrera
I experienced lost of the signal when switching from X to the console when booting with vga=ext or some of the graphic modes. It was reported here that the problem was the Matrox drivers. Recently, with kernel 2.4.4+ and XFree 4.0.3 (@1280x1024/head)+ Matrox drivers (

Re: Hard lockup switching to X from vc; Matrox G400 AGP

2001-05-27 Thread Chris Rankin
Hi, thanks for confirming this. But if it's Matrox's code (we are talking about the mga_hal_drv.o module for X, correct?) then the ball is in their court. Has anyone reported this to them so that they can fix it? Cheers, Chris > On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 12:24:50AM +0200, Ben Twijnstra wrote: > >

Re: Hard lockup switching to X from vc; Matrox G400 AGP

2001-05-27 Thread Ben Twijnstra
Hi Chris, Seen the same behaviour; you're not alone. I'm running XF86 4.0.3 with a G400. My guess is that mga_drv goes into some local loop while trying to restore the display. mga_drv at that moment has I/O privileges and if it hangs, Linux hangs too. Grtz, Ben - To unsubscribe from this

Re: Hard lockup switching to X from vc; Matrox G400 AGP

2001-05-27 Thread Alan Cox
> out the Matrox-supplied mga_drv.o and mga_hal_drv.o modules and > replace them with the ones from the standard X 4.03 distribution, but > these are userspace objects and shouldn't be capable of bringing the > kernel down. (Like I said, the machine can't even be pinged.) Not really. The matrox c

Hard lockup switching to X from vc; Matrox G400 AGP

2001-05-27 Thread Chris Rankin
REF: Linux 2.4.5, 2.4.4, 2.4.3 (and probably earlier); devfs; SMP (dual PIII); < 1GB main memory Hi, Has anyone noticed their Linux box lock up hard (as in cannot even be pinged from the local network) when switching from a text vc to a vc running X? This has happened for me even