Re: Bug in the file attributes ?

2001-03-29 Thread Xavier Ordoquy
way, thanks for that. --- Xavier Ordoquy, Aurora-linux If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] More majordomo info at

Bug in the file attributes ?

2001-03-29 Thread Xavier Ordoquy
file `test'? y user> ls test ls: test: No such file or directory This is in the user home directory. Since the file is read only for the user, it should not be able to remove it. Moreover, the user can't write to test. So I think this is a bug. --- Xavier Ordoquy, Aurora-linux If N

Re: Can't compilete 2.4.2 kernel

2001-02-28 Thread Xavier Ordoquy
simply in /usr/src do ln -s linux-2.4 linux --- Xavier Ordoquy, Aurora-linux, - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] More majordomo info at