I've Interupt problems with shared interrupt and ICH4 chipset and a pnpbios
My problem is the follow. I've a box with ICH4 Chipset. The ttyS2 and
ttyS3 are conneted to the irq 10.
After startup the box and using udev the module 8250.ko and
8250_pnp.ko are loaded.
I've tested with the 2.6
I make driver for Point of Sale Printer, a wide range of Printer use
only a DTR/DSR hardware-handshaking. When I use a handshaking in the
userspace, the Printr has a overrun problem and our customer has a
problem with the tax office.
my Patch relaize a simple DTR/DSR handhake with a small
ds pos-systems not
enough for upgrading the standard kernel sources?
Have I a really chance to commit a patch for kernel 2.6.
What is the best way to handle this problem.
Thanks for comments ;-)
Michael Westermann
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On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 10:24:56AM +0100, Michael Westermann wrote:
> Hallo,
> ich have wrote a Patch, for all the PS2-Keyboards what
> use exotic Scancodes and Functions. Teh backgroud is
Sorry i have the Patch forget.
Michael Westermann
--- linux.old/drivers/ch
for the 2.4.x kernel.
Please give me Comments
Michael Westermann
PS: We have installed over 10 Supermarket with Debian/Linux POS-Systemen ;-)
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Please read
n is simple, I think this Patch is interrest for
all the exotic Keyboard'a with exotic Key's.
I test the patch with the kernel 2.2.16
I have attacht a Simple Modul what use the extention,
(sorry a first test module)
Michael Westermann
--- linux.org/include/li
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