2.4.0 and initrd problem

2001-03-27 Thread Javi Roman
I have a problem with kernel 2.4.0 and my initrd image. I have a 500 KB bzImage, and I have a 1.200 KBytes initrd image. My sistem have 8 MB RAM memory. When I init my bzImage from a MSDOS floppy with this command: loadlin bzImage initrd=myinitrd.img I obtain this error: "initrd extends beyon

mke2fs + 8MB + 2.2.5 = hangs

2001-02-21 Thread Javi Roman
Hi: Any weeks ago I asked about problem with program mke2fs. I asked why mke2fs hanged the system (2.2.5-15) from install program in a 4 MB machine (with 16 MB swap memory). Alan Cox answered "its a VM 2.5.5 problem". Well ,I have increased the RAM memory (up to 8 MB) but I obtain the same probl

low memory

2001-02-03 Thread Javi Roman
rror. I have booted other system (with whole installation) using my pc card whithout initrd and root file system chages correctly. Somebody can help me? Sincery: Javi Roman. - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/