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Hello everyone,
today I compiled the newest kernel ( from and installed it
into the system.
With the older builds it took about 3...4 days to get an Oops. So we have to be
a little patient, I'm afraid.
If there are any news I will let you know.
Thank you all for your
rrent kernel?
Von: "Michal Piotrowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: 2007-07-08 13:27:04
An: "WebLab Help" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re: Oops in kernel 2.6.22 rc3
On 08/07/07, WebLab Help <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I hope you can help me with the following problem.
One of my systems got some bigger problems, it stops and/or reboots every few
Today I was able to make a screenshot of the kernel oops, it's attached to this
email. Because I made it via a digital photography and typing it in
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