Peter wrote:
> Really ? Let's see. The people who duplicated the ink 'protection'
> chips on Lexmark ink cartridges did not duplicate the chips proper,
> they duplicated the protocol. In other words they gained access to the
> 'file format' (or 'wire format' in this case). They were sued by
> Lexm
On Fri, 24 Nov 2006, Beni Cherniavsky wrote:
Frankly, the Americans deserve to suffer from their recent stupid
laws. Soon they will outlaw any can openers whose serial number
doesn't match the number on the can :-).
Worse, the Copyright Office had to make a special waiver for blind
people t
On 21/11/06, Geoffrey S. Mendelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 11:30:14AM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Hearing you talk about it makes it sound as if there is actual
> infringing code. There is no actual infringing code. It's all just
> patent related vapor. Sometimes pa
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On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 01:37:40PM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> You don't have to actually listen to them. The first time that either:
> 1. Novell claims that it is the only one you ca
Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> But what if MS has a patent on something X or apache uses? No GPL issue
> here.
Except this is no more of a problem today than it was half a year ago.
The Novell deal changes nothing in that regard.
Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
Have y
On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 01:37:40PM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> You don't have to actually listen to them. The first time that either:
> 1. Novell claims that it is the only one you can buy Linux from due to
> said deal
> 2. MS sues ANYONE for Linux patent infringement
> Novel must, immediat
On Wed, 22 Nov 2006, Nadav Har'El wrote:
There are probably pantents on clicking, on menus, on "listing files in a
directory", and who knows what - we just never checked.
Not outside the USA. Outside the USA there are NO patents on such
things. NONE. No software patents, remeber ? Also, whil
On Tue, Nov 21, 2006, Shachar Shemesh wrote about "Re: there is now one IT
company too many":
> > If they sell/give away Linux, they have to sell or give away the version
> > with the infringing code removed to satisfy section 6.
> >
> Hearing you talk about i