In order to make it your default:
Tools->options-> Writer->Basic Fonts (CTL)
and set it to "DejaVu Sans"
If you don't find the "Basic Fonts (CTL)" then you didnot enable CTL
Tools->options->Language Settings->Language:
Tick the "Enabled for complex text layout (CTL)"
and choose
One way to do it is to mark all your document and then change the font
to one that recognize hbrew charecters, depend on your installation, one
that works for me is DejaVu Sans or Lucida sans
sara fink wrote:
I wrote a document in hebrew in open office but when I tried to open the
document I
I wrote a document in hebrew in open office but when I tried to open the
document I got strange characters and couldn't read it. I know there is a
trick but I don't know it. Can anyone tell me how to do that in Office?
Thanks in advance