> I am looking for open office with hebrew menu for linux. Is there a higher
> version than 2.3.1 in hebrew?
> The latest version in hebrew that I found is here:
> http://mirror.isoc.org.il/pub/openoffice.org.il/
> Second question is how can I install only certain packages from open office.
> I w
On 8/15/09, Lior Kaplan wrote:
> Hi Sara,
> Tk systems try to sent it's fixes upstream. I suggest you'll take the
> latest version of oo.org you distribution offers (should be 3.1).
Can you provide the link? I checked now this link:
http://download.openoffice.org/other.html#en-US I see there lo
Hi Sara,
Tk systems try to sent it's fixes upstream. I suggest you'll take the
latest version of oo.org you distribution offers (should be 3.1).
About installing only part of the software - that really depends about
how the software was packaged and whether it can be separated.
2009/8/15 sara fi
I am looking for open office with hebrew menu for linux. Is there a higher
version than 2.3.1 in hebrew?
The latest version in hebrew that I found is here:
Second question is how can I install only certain packages from open office.
I want only the