--- On Thu, 12/3/09, Lev Olshvang wrote:
> From: Lev Olshvang
> Subject: Re: kchmviewer problem - correct contents page , but any other page
> are inaccessible
> To: "Moshe Brace using Yahoo"
> Date: Thursday, 12 March, 2009, 12:19 PM
> Hi Moshe,
> The kch
I use Xchm and Gnochm to open the .chm files that I wrote and placed on my
My distro is Mandriva 2009.0 Gnome Desktop.
--- On Wed, 11/3/09, Lev Olshvang wrote:
From: Lev Olshvang
Subject: kchmviewer problem - correct contents page , but any other page
Hi all,
I am trying to open .chm book and kchmviewer correctly displays contents
page but then produces the following error:
/An error occurred while loading ms-its:/tmp/kde-ttt/arklouxQz/Learning
JavaScript, 2nd Edition.chm::/Cover.html:
The file or folder ms-its:/tmp/kde-tt/arklouxQz/Le