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>ideas to get the load lower? dspam any good? I think I asked that
>before, but everything I implemented is still not helping much. I'll
>feel really annoyed if I
On Tue, 25 Jul 2006 14:43:28 Abramov wrote:
> Everything mail is under "nice", I limited qmail to 10 concurent
> incoming (plus it is checking 3 RBLs), I have a long list of badmailto
> and badmailfrom, I added a lot of domains to the SA's whitelist, and
> still I have spamassassin choking up. I
Quoting Ira Abramov, from the post of Tue, 09 May:
> My server is running a heavy website and recieves mail for some 30 users
> under 8 domains or so. the amount of spam hitting the server is causing
> the load average to drag at times from a calm 1 or 2 up to 12 and even
> 20. this is actually hur
On 5/10/06, Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
the main players here are apache2, spamd and mysql. I have 1.5 gig of
ram and a P4/2.8. I have no idea why it should be this heavy.
Shouldn't Sounds more then sufficient.
Another thought. Are you using external tests (Razor, Pyzor, RBL,
Quoting Gil Freund, from the post of Tue, 09 May:
> 1. Are you scanning everything? I don't scan anything over 256K, and
> amavis docs suggest 64K.
> 2. The more RAM the merrier (isn't it always)
> 3. graylisting.
> 4. Do you check for recipients existence before scanning?
> 5. more daemons? I
On 5/9/06, Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My server is running a heavy website and recieves mail for some 30 users
under 8 domains or so. the amount of spam hitting the server is causing
the load average to drag at times from a calm 1 or 2 up to 12 and even
20. this is actually hurting th
On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 10:01:13PM +0300, Ira Abramov wrote:
> My server is running a heavy website and recieves mail for some 30 users
> under 8 domains or so. the amount of spam hitting the server is causing
> the load average to drag at times from a calm 1 or 2 up to 12 and even
> 20. this is ac
My server is running a heavy website and recieves mail for some 30 users
under 8 domains or so. the amount of spam hitting the server is causing
the load average to drag at times from a calm 1 or 2 up to 12 and even
20. this is actually hurting the websites' responsiveness a lot. I'm
afraid it's ti