>You sig doesn't make much sense when sending to a mailing list, does it? ;)
Its added automatically, by the corporate mail server... I think...
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
On Thu, 4 Sep 2003, Tal Achituv wrote:
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
> solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
> If you have received this email in error please notify us immediately and
> delete this communication.
>How did you connect the connectors to both ends? Did you use wall plates
>or simply pressed two connectors?
One side uses a wall-plate, the other just two rj45 connectors...
Its quite trivial - each pair uses the regular 1236 pins... (MDI / MDI-X
depends on your need)
for pinouts google "rj45
Alon Altman wrote:
I have a 4-pair CAT-5 cable between two floors in my house. I was
wondering if I can use this 4-pair cable instead of two CAT-5 cables to
connect to a switch I have at one location.
The toplogy is:
PC1\ __ \
I have actually done that, on a 40 meter cable, and it works perfectly...
two pairs go from the cable-modem to my router box, and two pairs return
from the switch (that the router distributes the net to) to the windo*s pc
next to the cable-modem.