You can find all of mirrors inĀ
Barid Bel Medar wrote:
all, sorry for bothering you, but...I
want to get linux, and I don't seem to be able to find it on the net, maybe
I'm idiot.I tried www.linux.org
and www.redhat.com and never found
ANYTHING that, to me, RE
It seems that you dont know what LINUX is...
READ some at http://www.linux.org before you even DOWNLOAD it...
linux is not a software that installs by itself and doesnt come in exec
formats and ofcourse not in RAR RTFM as we all say :)
Hi all, sorry for bothering you,
I want to get linux, and I don't seem to be able to
find it on the net, maybe I'm idiot.
I tried www.linux.org and www.redhat.com and never found ANYTHING that,
to me, RESEMBLE to setup files.
Could you please, send me an email with
the direct link of