On Thu, 4 May 2000, Pavel Bibergal wrote:
:Pavel Bibergal
:By the way, it's time for our daily word of wisdom...
:O love, could thou and I with fate conspire
:To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
:Might we not smash it to bits
:And mould it closer to our hearts' desire?
: -
let's say that i didn't find anything i want.. and only then i asked here
Alex Dubrovsky wrote:
>what good gimp books and manuals can u sugest me?
in gimp menus: Xtras-->web-->gimp manual/gimp tutorial ?!
>is it any gimp book available in Israel?
>what good gimp books and manuals can u sugest me?
in gimp menus: Xtras-->web-->gimp manual/gimp tutorial ?!
>is it any gimp book available in Israel?
>what else 2d/3d graphic software can u suggest me..
Search for "3d" and "linux" on goolge
what good gimp books and manuals can u sugest me?
is it any gimp book available in Israel?
what else 2d/3d graphic software can u suggest me..
i mean professional soft.. kinda gimp, photoshop5.5, coreldraw, 3dsmax, lightwave?
Pavel Bibergal
By the way, it's time for our