SOLVED: Re: Font problem in the aftermath of upgrade from Mozilla 1.0.1 to Mozilla 1.4

2003-10-03 Thread Omer Zak
A simple and stupid RTFM solved the problem. I added the file local.conf to /etc/fonts, with a declaration for the location of the Culmus fonts. The file is attached for the benefit of others, who may be having the same problem. If anyone who is responsible for Culmus is lurking on this mailing

Font problem in the aftermath of upgrade from Mozilla 1.0.1 to Mozilla 1.4

2003-10-03 Thread Omer Zak
Well...I took the plunge and upgraded Mozilla and glibc (from glibc-2.2.93-5 to glibc-2.3.2-4.80.6). Total of 18 packages were upgraded. So far my system survived the upgrade. Only one problem: Mozilla does not display now Hebrew characters. Instead of them, it displays squares with the Unicode