On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 09:36:11AM +0200, Yedidyah Bar-David wrote:
> The short answer:
> An Advice e-com 500 worked for me with nut and the mustek driver.
Note that a lightening strike nearby or on the power or telephone line
will not be stopped by a UPS. Even worse are the cheap "surge protecto
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 01:41:45AM +0200, Oren Held wrote:
> Hi,
> Any good/bad experience with Advice UPS (P or ECOM 600/700) relationship
> with Linux?
> http://www.advice.co.il supplies a Linux software, however seems like
> it's an evil binary...
> Anybody got it work?
> Another reco
Any good/bad experience with Advice UPS (P or ECOM 600/700) relationship
with Linux?
http://www.advice.co.il supplies a Linux software, however seems like
it's an evil binary...
Anybody got it work?
Another recommended UPS?
(Googling only gave me this non-informative thread from 2004: