Re: CORRECTION (Re: AGAIN, UGLY OFFTOPIC (Re: Weird 'free' output))

2021-05-10 Thread Shachar Shemesh
On 09/05/2021 20:51, Omer Zak wrote: After sending the E-mail message reproduced below, I checked the mailing list archives and did not find there Diego's E-mail. So he apparently limited his E-mail message's distribution to his victim and to the mailing list's

CORRECTION (Re: AGAIN, UGLY OFFTOPIC (Re: Weird 'free' output))

2021-05-09 Thread Omer Zak
After sending the E-mail message reproduced below, I checked the mailing list archives and did not find there Diego's E-mail. So he apparently limited his E-mail message's distribution to his victim and to the mailing list's administrators. So my memory failed me in this case. However, I believe

AGAIN, UGLY OFFTOPIC (Re: Weird 'free' output)

2021-05-09 Thread Omer Zak
As far as I remember, Diego did send the request to the list. So Ori Idan could not really ignore Diego's E-mail. Doing so could have been interpreted as admission of guilt (in the Court of Public Opinion). I agree that failing to prove a point is different from proving the opposite point. However