What platform are you on?
2018-01-02 21:00 GMT+02:00 Rami Addady :
> Hi,
> Selecting Automatic or Hebrew give me gibberish
> The hebrew look like this:
> ת×ミריך
> Rami
> On 01/02/2018 08:50 PM, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
> When you open the fi
When you open the file you should get an encoding picker in the past I had
to set it to Hebrew these days "Automatic" works for me
(LO 5.3)
Eliyahu - אליהו
2018-01-02 17:43 GMT+02:00 Rabin Yasharzadehe :
> you can try the latest LO using flatpak and see if still a problem there.
> http
I'm more of a Gnome user and haven't really played with KDE since the
days of KDE4 (I always felt it was very 'crowded'/'not calm' as
opposed to gnome 2 back then, though when I just started Linux that
was what I liked about KDE3 all the distractions) but:
- Are you sure what you heard about the n
Hi Dan,
2017-07-31 20:12 GMT+03:00 Dan Shimshoni :
> Hi, Linux-il,
> My question is about securing the Internet access from a Linux Desktop(at
> home) to the Internet via ISP ; my setup is quite old:
> Dlink BR-6504N (IEEE802.11b/g/n) wireless router which is connected to ADSL
> bezeq device (in
My experience with CCC in the past was very positive
Currently not connected to anyone due to vandalism to infrastructure
where I live :/
Using your own modem is I believe much better since you don't have
Bezeq/ISP potentially playing around with your equipment, at the
moment I have a Bezeq m
2017-06-22 11:53 GMT+03:00 Nadav Har'El :
> On Fri, Jun 02, 2017, E.S. Rosenberg wrote about "Re: [LibreOffice 5.3/Ubuntu
> 17.04] Culmus Fonts not detected":
>> For those of you who are interested:
>> As of 5.3 LO no longer supports Type1 fonts which is how t
buntu x64 and android) and iOS daily, I
> agree with them.
> Geoff.
> On Wed, Jun 14, 2017, 17:45 E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
>> 2017-06-14 17:42 GMT+03:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
>> > As has been said a bunch of times already get a decent GPU without
>> >
2017-06-14 17:42 GMT+03:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
> As has been said a bunch of times already get a decent GPU without
> that SteamOS is a no-go, also use the proprietary drivers otherwise
> you won't get performance.
Should really have said: SteamOS and/or up-to-date gaming.
As has been said a bunch of times already get a decent GPU without
that SteamOS is a no-go, also use the proprietary drivers otherwise
you won't get performance.
These days there are actually quite a lot of nice and even very good
top-tier titles available for Linux through either Steam, GOG, or
2017-06-08 11:44 GMT+03:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
> 2017-06-08 9:35 GMT+03:00 Amichai Rotman :
>> Hello all,
>> I am trying to set up a desktop kiosk-style computer at my local Library,
>> based on Ubuntu.
>> My idea is to have a regular desktop mainly fo
2017-06-08 9:35 GMT+03:00 Amichai Rotman :
> Hello all,
> I am trying to set up a desktop kiosk-style computer at my local Library,
> based on Ubuntu.
> My idea is to have a regular desktop mainly for browsing the Web, but I
> would also like it to be able to reboot into an ISO by clicking an
Will be looking into my options.
Eliyahu - אליהו
> - Noam
> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017, 01:13 E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was told by Bezeq that they currently don't have infrastructure
>> where I am living so I'm looking at using
For those of you who are interested:
As of 5.3 LO no longer supports Type1 fonts which is how the
culmus-fancy font set ships.
The best solution is to convert them to OpenType or TrueType fonts.
Eliyahu - אליהו
2017-05-26 2:36 GMT+03:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
> Hi everyone,
> I just notice
Hi all,
I was told by Bezeq that they currently don't have infrastructure
where I am living so I'm looking at using a cellular modem instead.
Ideally I'd like to have some remote access to home but if the
Cellular network is Carrier Grade NAT I can forget about that (unless
I create a reverse SSH t
Hi everyone,
I just noticed that LibreOffice on Ubuntu 17.04 seems to be
ignoring/not detecting fonts that are part of the culmus- packages.
Abiword does detect the fonts.
Has anyone else had issues like this? Know how to solve this?
Eliyahu - אליהו
For lighting you have DMX, X10 and zigbee as last mile protocols,
artnet and ACN as open ethernet protocols, all of which can be
controlled using the openlightingarchitecture.
Note that controlling every aspect of your house requires a very large
amount of wires, controllers etc. using control pro
Hi Rami,
Currently I use horde in one location and SOGo3 in another, as far as
looks/responsiveness goes SOGo3 is a definite winner.
As far as search goes I haven't been putting either through the paces
on that yet.
Thunderbird has pretty strong search as far as I recall, mailpile is
something th
In the debian world a machine used to ship with exim4, Ubuntu Server
prefers postfix afaik but sendmail is also available through apt.
Basically there's a ton of SMTP servers out there and you'll have to
do that very hard thing: choose ;)
A lot has been written comparing them and all of them are I
ime it takes a week at the lab (I don't
>> > have
>> > the onsite warranty, and I am in Canada, so YMMV). So if you intend to
>> > use
>> > it somewhere where warranty isn't available, or if you intend to use it
>> > longer than the warranty p
Ever since getting my current laptop that weighs ~1.5kg I said I will
never get anything heavier again, it's something you can't return
Thin and light devices (like the X1 and the T460S) tend to not be very
upgradeable, it's a price you pay for thin & light... the SSD is most
likely upgr
Hi all,
Does anyone have experience/pointers on how to implement passwords for
specific services/devices, ie. have a different password that only
works for imap/webmail and can be stored in a device without worrying
about compromise going any further then what the password gives access
Please don't be offended but my first reaction to the title was
"hasn't this been done years ago?"
And after quickly reading I understand that some guy reverse
engineered a network protocol or just listened to the traffic and
wrote a CLI program that 'talks' the same 'language' which is kind of
This is just a hunch but I think filesystem caching is not counted
towards a process' memory usage, so if you are playing a large movie a
large chunk (or the whole file) may be kept in memory by the
filesystem driver while being memory that is 'available' for immediate
freeing it is counted as %use
For libreoffice (other applications differently)
Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Languages, check the Ignore
system input language option
2016-04-17 13:08 GMT+03:00 Shlomi Fish :
> Hi all,
> On Sun, Apr 17,
2016-04-17 10:46 GMT+03:00 Shlomi Fish :
> Hi Omer,
> On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 9:25 AM, Omer Zak wrote:
>> I found that there are layout problems in the Hebrew PDF file in the
>> debian-refcard package.
>> To fix the problems, I am building a virtual machine (using VirtualBox)
>> for a Debi
2016-03-08 12:27 GMT+02:00 geoffrey mendelson :
> On 3/8/2016 12:01 PM, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
>> Let us know if you find something in a few month OpenWRT should be
>> releasing 16.x (Designated Driver, if they manage to stick to the roug
on it
If you want something really powerful with a very powerful OS have a look
at this:
Eliyahu - אליהו
> On 8 March 2016 at 10:07, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
>> Personally I don't bother with the modem/router suppor
2016-03-08 2:36 GMT+02:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
> 2016-03-08 1:45 GMT+02:00 geoffrey mendelson :
>> On 3/8/2016 1:07 AM, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
>>> Personally I don't bother with the modem/router supporting OpenWRT, I
>>> bought a nice TP-Link r
Personally I don't bother with the modem/router supporting OpenWRT, I
bought a nice TP-Link router which functions as the router of my
networks and runs OpenWRT then the provider router/bridge/whatever box
is just used as a bridge device and nothing more.
There are far less xDSL devices that suppo
(And you can also use Hebrew, Chinese, emoji or any other chars as
long as there are 2 latins, 1 number and no less then 8 and no more
then 10 characters all in all)
2016-02-28 0:02 GMT+02:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
> The active regex (in the file you sent) is:
> var passREGEX =
The active regex (in the file you sent) is:
var passREGEX =
Which says:
8-10 chars
at least 1 number
at least 2 latin chars
any number of special chars.
Note that there is no demand for capitals and no demand for a
Did you try firefox? Different render engine may do the trick...
And IE is an option through wine (though of course it should not be needed)
2016-02-21 20:46 GMT+02:00 Amichai Rotman :
> שלום חברים,
> צר לי שאני כותב בעברית, אך אין לי מושג איך להתייחס לנושא באנגלית (וגם אין
> טעם):
> אמא
keyboard layouts available?
Or maybe even a clean X session with just xterm if you want to be
really extreme, but probably a clean user will be enough?
Eliyahu - אליהו
> On Sun, 14 Feb 2016 14:04:09 +0200
> "E.S. Rosenberg" wrote:
>> Did you try
> LC_CTYPE="en_GB.UTF-8"
> LC_TIME="en_GB.UTF-8"
> LC_PAPER="en_GB.UTF-8"
> LC_NAME="e
I think your question shouldn't be what distro but rather:
- what version of python
- what localization was set when running the program (LC_* env vars)
2016-02-14 11:17 GMT+02:00 Shlomo Solomon :
> Meir - thanks. What distro are you running?
> I can now add that the problem exists on my Mageia
2016-01-28 20:37 GMT+02:00 Beni Cherniavsky-Paskin :
> Due to bezeq's modem's wifi unreliability, I'm mostly connecting to my
> own wifi router anyway.
> I'd have switched to it completely and use a firewall there, except
> it's old and doesn't support IPv6 at all, and I haven't gotten around
> to
It is of course highly recommended to figure out a way to use the
firewall in the router in IPv6 mode too
Changing your setup to local fws only makes you both more vulnerable
to attack and the total setup much harder to manage
In a worst (or best depends on how you look at it) case scenari
Nice summary, thanks :)
2016-01-11 13:52 GMT+02:00 Shlomi Fish :
> Hi all!
> I've prepared a new list of databases' implementations over on my home site:
> http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/resources/databases-list/
> Many of them are open source and most of them can run on Linux.
> I'
Not quite python but for the (really) young kids there's Linda Luikas'
Hello Ruby...
2016-01-13 13:43 GMT+02:00 Shlomo Solomon :
> These are in English, but may interest you:
> https://inventwithpython.com/inventwithpython_3rd.pdf
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxJ4y96AC8m3M2RkN29rRW1rUzg/ed
Most likely you're missing the firmware for your wifi-adapter, by
using lspci/lsusb like Rabin mentioned you can find its' make & model
and then find out exactly what piece of software wasn't installed.
I also join in Rabins' question why use CentOS on a personal device
(though 7 is fairly up to d
Triple C may also support IPv6, when they started I used them, my
experience with them was very positive.
Very knowledgeable support people etc.
The only reason I'm not with them still is that the other people who
use the link demanded Rimon for their filtering prowess.
Eliyahu - אליהו
Unless it has dependencies that force you 'onward' there is no reason
not to download the deb and install it manually
2015-12-24 20:14 GMT+02:00 Omer Zak :
> As it turned out, it did not matter that I misunderstood tlp's name.
> The package tlp exists only in Debian Stretch (testing) and in De
2015-12-22 21:48 GMT+02:00 Omer Zak :
> As I said few weeks ago, I am considering the purchase of a new laptop
> to replace my current desktop PC and also serve me on the road.
> It was suggested to me to consider purchasing the Dell Precision M3800
> laptop.
> Before ordering it, I'd like to k
IIRC You need the DE/toolkit integration installed (ie.
libreoffice-gnome, libreoffice-gtk etc.)
2015-12-12 13:39 GMT+02:00 Amichai Rotman :
> Sorry,
> Tried your solution:
> Check the "Ignore System Language Input" in the Language settings.
> No cigar...
> I also noticed people report the
I'm pretty sure it's the design
It would be cool if you offered multiple 'shells' ;)
2015-12-11 1:11 GMT+02:00 Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda :
> Amichai,
> Actually, I have no idea why you were disgusted. The Ofek website usually
> supports Linux with Chrome or Firefox rather well (though not always
ipsets, weight, screens ssds etc
Eliyahu - אליהו
2015-12-07 18:18 GMT+02:00 Steve Litt :
> On Mon, 7 Dec 2015 13:30:07 +0200
> "E.S. Rosenberg" wrote:
>> BTW has anyone noticed how long we have been 'stuck' on 4GB RAM being
>> enough memo
I am not going to tell you which laptops to get since my interest goes
to a very different class (you are looking for DTR/Mobile Workstation,
I want Ultra mobile with touch), the only thing that I think does need
to be mentioned is the docking station.
You mentioned above you were considering to u
As mentioned before, Fedora is very stable and has very regular updates.
I also like Ubuntu a lot and since I also don't like Unity I use the
Ubuntu flavour with my favourite DE (After all there's Ubuntu,
Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Lubuntu etc. and after install you can
actually install the ot
2015-11-01 1:57 GMT+02:00 Josh Roden :
> Hi All
> If possible, how could I install gtk2 version 2.18 on Centos 5.11 without
> breaking all kinds of dependencies?
> I have version 2.10.4 but it is
e window ...
>>>> btw, i found that even 'private browsing' is not so private as if you
>>>> open multiple tabs or windows of private browsing, they all share the same
>>>> cookies.
>>>> the only thing different about privat
Wine (winehq.org)
2015-11-13 11:58 GMT+02:00 Softkol :
> Can anyone recommend a good method for moving a MS exe to Mac/is 10 and
> above.
> Not an emulation solution please but rather a native Mac/OS solution
> Israel Shikler
> ___
> Linux-il mailing
You may have to set a scan mode on the device too, friends of mine
have a Canon all-in-one which needs to be 'told' that a remote device
will be in charge of scanning whenever they want to scan (Since
apparently on windows you can just press the scan button on the
scanner and it will open the s
I have no experience with these things, but if you can't get around
the IE/ActiveX requirement (firmware upgrade maybe?) and decide to
capitulate you could try installing IE using winetricks...
Eliyahu - אליהו
2015-05-10 19:58 GMT+03:00 Amichai Rotman :
> Hi all,
> A friend's coffee
There was a recent discussion on the list on the subject where the
general consensus was to use a good router of your choosing and a
simple Bezeq modem, like that you can quicly and easily get new
technology supported (whether new DSL/cable by switching the modem or
new WiFi/LAN technologies by swi
BTW unless you are tied to Octave 3.0 debian et. al moved on to
octave-* which by now are at octave 3.8.x...
2015-04-17 11:57 GMT+03:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
> I assume you are using apt or some other 'high level' tool, I have
> found that when stuck like that removing with
I assume you are using apt or some other 'high level' tool, I have
found that when stuck like that removing with the dpkg command
generally works... (dpkg -P or dpkg -r depending on what you need).
HTH, שבת שלום,
Eliyahu - אליהו
2015-04-17 10:26 GMT+03:00 Lior Okman :
> Hi,
> This is a dirty ha
2015-04-16 22:20 GMT+03:00 Constantine Shulyupin :
> Don't use fdisk, it doesn’t recognize GPT/UFI partitions.
Just to add to that MBR partitions don't go over 2T.
When using GPT most systems still write some basic form of MBR just in
case you plug your disk into an old machine which is why tools
2015-04-15 14:49 GMT+03:00 Shlomi Fish :
> Hi all!
> Linux kernel 4.0 is out:
> * https://www.kernel.org/
> * http://linux.slashdot.org/story/15/04/13/0249208/linux-40-kernel-released
> * http://lwn.net/Articles/640082/
> It's actually kernel 3.20 in disguise.
And 3.20 is really 2.6.60 le
ther distro. BIG
> mistake. The tools weren't mature and I lost all my data.
> *MY* take-away from this - stick to mainstream if you want things to "just
> work", and without knowing more about your context I'd expect 99% that ext4
> will do just fine for the job.
Of course you're going to reformat, after all the technicalities of
the local fs will be hidden from the clients by nfs/smb/(web)dav.
As far as which FS goes, ext4 is a safe bet, it seems the big server
players are recently opting for XFS.
And if you feel adventurous and want the power of ZFS tha
ter either in a DMZ like setup or
even as a bridge (though that takes some real effort), but that seems
like a major overkill and a waste of money.
Eliyahu - אליהו
2015-04-12 23:15 GMT+03:00 Geoff Shang :
> On Sun, 12 Apr 2015, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
>> Personally I always in
5 GMT+03:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
> Have you tried here:
> http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/netgear/dgn2200
> 2015-04-12 22:17 GMT+03:00 Amichai Rotman :
>> Hello all,
>> I have a Netgear 2200v2_64 router I got from Bezeq about two years ago.
>> I finished
Have you tried here:
2015-04-12 22:17 GMT+03:00 Amichai Rotman :
> Hello all,
> I have a Netgear 2200v2_64 router I got from Bezeq about two years ago.
> I finished paying for it and I don't like the idea it uns Bezeq's firmware.
> I want to flash
While we're on the subject the Israeli ubuntu mirror has been so
finicky recently that I switched to overseas mirrors, who if anyone
does one report these issues to? (Rabin?)
2015-04-07 20:48 GMT+03:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
> 2015-04-07 15:35 GMT+03:00 Shlomo Solomon :
>> I've be
2015-04-07 15:35 GMT+03:00 Shlomo Solomon :
> I've been using Mageia for several years so I "guess" I'm interested.
> But on the other hand, with today's fast internet connections, does it
> really matter where the mirror is? :-)
The main benificiary is your ISP who has to deal with less
They basically told you "use google dns servers instead/in addition to
ours", could be they were suffering problems with their DNS or they
changed IPs...
2015-03-22 13:13 GMT+02:00 Gabor Szabo :
> I tried that, and although I am not sure what should I look for in there it
> seems to be claiming
Depending on the version of windows and it's network environment you
freshly installed rootkits could be likely, but that is OT here.
Note that different ISP in Israel is a fairly relative statement since
there are basically just a few major players who own a bunch of the smaller
ISPs and could ha
Last time I checked vfat doesn't do linux permissions well, instead
you need to mount it with user permissions (though I have to say I
haven't dealt with vfat in years).
If you can't change the contents of the flash drive it could also be a
pointer to the memory failing...
Eliyahu - אליהו
The Interior ministry is what is called in the gemara a "shor muad" as
far as their inability to safeguard their databases and our private
data as long as I have the choice I would not trust them and when they
try to force it I would definitely join whatever lawsuit to the
highest court.
In that se
2015-02-25 17:22 GMT+02:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
> 2015-02-25 0:32 GMT+02:00 Nadav Har'El :
>> Dan Kenigsberg and I are proud to present version 1.3 of Hspell,
>> the free Hebrew spell-checker and morphological analyzer.
>> As usual, you can find the new r
Hasn't this been possible for several years now?
2015-02-17 22:27 GMT+02:00 Mord Behar :
> So, today is the day that Bezeq is finally starting to subcontract their
> ADSL infrastructure to other companies, thus allowing an ISP to provide the
> full service.
> I personally think that this is a goo
GMT+02:00 geoffrey mendelson :
> On 1/30/2015 10:37 AM, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
>> All networks throttle, the only question is do they do it well enough
>> that you don't notice or not
>> I have friends who had throttling removed after complaining (they were
All networks throttle, the only question is do they do it well enough that
you don't notice or not
I have friends who had throttling removed after complaining (they were put
on 'gamer' plans).
2015-01-30 10:30 GMT+02:00 OrenTet :
> Ive experienced bittorent throttling by 012 a few years ago.
2014-12-26 16:29 GMT+02:00 Diego Iastrubni :
> Hi David,
> On יום שישי, 26 בדצמבר 2014 15:54:12 David Harel wrote:
> > My son purchased an Android phone in China (against my recommendation).
> > It's a phone by Coolpad the module is 7620l
> You should have a talk to your son ;-)
> > Apparently
I don't know what type of load JIRA presents but for low load private stuff
a raspberrypi or something similar (for heavier but still fairly 'light'
stuff maybe an Intel NUC system or a mini-itx system) at home + noip/dyndns
or some other form of locating it by yourself can be more then enough
Alternatively you could also have a local dns/local hosts entries that
point computerN at computer_1 when they are looking up whatever hostname is
resolving to ext_ip
If they are on the same LAN all normal (sane) security policy will cause
the drop of their packets when they are trying to reac
I have used the same trick with success at least once, it working does
depend on the type of failure but yours sounds like the type that would
work, in my case I think I even mounted the partitions and just copied the
data. (rsync iirc)
2014-12-22 12:26 GMT+02:00 Amos Shapira :
> I once helpe
Don't new security features like memory location randomization etc. kind of
get in the way of what you want to do on any modern OS?
(The way I understand it you are trying to copy the stack from outside the
running/frozen OS).
Eliyahu - אליהו
2014-12-21 21:22 GMT+02:00 Elazar Leibovich
I think you're on the wrong mailing list ;)
XDA may be able to help you
In general the phones try to protect their memory from direct access so
that the whole 2 OS accessing the same FS at the same time and stepping on
each other is avoided (back in the symbian days it used to unmount the
it is
>> connected, so is it possible that it needs more
>> power after later on?
>> How can I check?
>> If the problem is lack of current, how can I solve that? Can I put one of
>> these usb hubs that also provide power between the two?
Are you providing the external HDD with sufficient electricity? The
Raspberry is most likely not capable of providing enough current...
2014-12-14 19:30 GMT+02:00 Gabor Szabo :
> So finally I install the Raspberry Pi I bought a few weeks ago and wanted
> to add an external HDD.
> I plugged in th
I recently installed OpenWRT on a TP-Link WR-841ND (after I noticed tp-link
hadn't provided that particular revision with an update in a few years) and
it's running excellently (in a far past I bricked an 841 like that this
time it all was excellent).
Most TP-Link devices are well supported and ha
old times sake :)
> Guy Sheffer
> On Nov 24, 2014 9:58 PM, "E.S. Rosenberg"
> wrote:
>> There is currently some low key talk of arranging a linux install party
>> for new students (and others interested) at Givat Ram.
>> Nothing specific
There is currently some low key talk of arranging a linux install party for
new students (and others interested) at Givat Ram.
Nothing specific as yet, the TA still needs to get back to us whether or
not there is enough interest.
But I want to ask already if there is is enough interest are there
Bezeq can replace the firmware without talking to you without being onsite,
so yes they have a backdoor in your router.
Personally I prefer using a decent wireless router of my own (running
openwrt preferably) and having a simple bezeq box connected to it's WAN
port, like that bezeq stays outside
IIRC this behavior doesn't happen on a machine I use xfce on instead of
gnome3/unity so it may very well be DE dependent
Eliyahu - אליהו
2014-11-13 16:49 GMT+02:00 Mord Behar :
> I recall some kind of issue like this in past Libre Office versions. There
> was a setting that allowed
Mords' mail reminded me that I should have sent this earlier:
If there is anyone on the list interested in getting the Jolla phone
('grandson' of the nokia n900/'son' of the n9) I have a 100E discount code
that is valid until midnight today (I assume midnight Finland time, but
it's not specified).
2014-10-20 10:23 GMT+03:00 Shachar Shemesh :
> I am shopping around for a new ISP. Exaphone are offering a reasonable
> deal, with an option to connect using IPv6.
> Sadly, their fixed IP costs are astronomical even with IPv6, without any
> justification I can see.
"Because we can" and "Becaus
Maybe someone on the list works for Nokia or something? Or someone is going
to SLUSH? I have a phone that only gets fixed there...
מועדים לשמחה,
Eliyahu - אליהו
Linux-il mailing list
DId you verify that everything had finished installing w/o error?
For interrupted installs:
dpkg --configure -a
and then:
apt-get update && apt-get autoclean && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get
Would make sure that everything was installed properly, what you decribe to
me sounds like a
Are you sure that:
a. the error you get isn't coming from winload.exe
b. vista may not be capable from booting from an area beyond X MB from the
beginning of a disk
2014-08-24 20:47 GMT+03:00 Aharon Schkolnik :
> Hi.
> I used clonezilla to copy a NTFS (Vista) partition to a new disk.
> Th
2014-08-26 15:27 GMT+03:00 David Suna :
> Thanks for the response.
> On 08/26/2014 01:43 AM, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
> 2014-08-25 23:24 GMT+03:00 David Suna :
>> I have a Debian Wheezy machine two virtual hosts configured on a single
>> machine
2014-08-25 23:24 GMT+03:00 David Suna :
> I have a Debian Wheezy machine two virtual hosts configured on a single
> machine. One requires PHP 5.3 and the other requires PHP 5.4+. I am trying
> to set up the machine to allow both to run.
> So far I have added php-fpm (fastcgi) as per
> https://w
If this is for Israel I don't know if they fixed it yet but in the past I
noticed often that embedded maps had nothing inside the borders of Israel
(which may have been a copyright issue).
Also don't forget the users' browser will send the users' language
preference in the GET request for the embe
procmail and/or sieve seem to be the natural candidates
With /etc/alias you could also pipe the mail into a script which would
trigger the script...
2014-08-12 12:45 GMT+03:00 E.S. Rosenberg :
> procmail and/or sieve seem to be the natural candidates
> With /etc/alias you
If you know market traders they usually use 3-6 monitors they probably can
tell you a bit about it.
2014-07-22 23:30 GMT+03:00 Rabin Yasharzadehe :
> I have a small desk in a small room :)
> *-- Rabin*
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 11:24 PM, ASAF HALILI
> wrote:
>> Why not to put the
Any decent port scanner (nmap for instance) will find the SSH service
regardless of the port its' on, while the likelihood of a firewall blocking
access to random non-standard ports is very high.
I use fail2ban to prevent brute forcing and generally also try to have some
form of port knocking (kno
related to that scenario I think.
So please clear up for us what your exact goal is.
Eliyahu - אליהו
2014-07-20 18:46 GMT+03:00 Erez D :
> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 3:36 PM, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
> > You can have something running on the machine you want to SSH to that
> &
You can have something running on the machine you want to SSH to that
updates the machine with a fixed IP what its' IP is and have a firewall
rule or some other way to redirect specific traffic like for instance
traffic to TCP:2 from that machine to the IP that it was updated to
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