On Sun, 2 Jun 2002, Eli Segal wrote:
> Can you guys tell me where can i find information on music
> production with linux ??
My best linux&audio bookmarks -
On Thu, 23 May 2002, Christoph Bugel wrote:
> But which spreadsheet format should we ask them to use?
I think, if at the moment we can't find suitable opensrc spreadsheet
format, it would be nice to have *at least* PDF or HTML version
of their schedules. But again, they don't reply to emails.
On Thu, 23 May 2002, Christoph Bugel wrote:
> BTW, I sent them a mail, a year ago, complimenting them for
> creating a nice website: (1) it actually contains real useful information (2)
> it's a no nonsense website. Sounds obvious, but I think it takes courage to
> build a website without animati
Hello ppl.
Anybody want to help me encourage israrail's admins to put their
schedules on whe web in some os-independent format, not only in xls ?
They simply don't answer my emails.