> dumb me! (fuck im stupi)
> i found out it wasnt the script fault,
> it's somthing 'bout the pppd-2.3.7 module.
> that's the error i get:
> /usr/sbin/pppd-2.3: This system lacks kernel support for PPP. This could
> be because
> the PPP kernel module is not loaded, or because the kernel
Thanks to everybody who suggested the
>diff -u
That was indeed the right answer.
Next question:
What do you do when you have two successive
patches trying to patch the same .c file?
How do you do it dynamically?
I burned my first CD today and although it was successful, I got a
strange warning message. I wonder if anyone can explain this.
I created an image using MKISOFS. The image size was about 618
million bytes (590 MB). This was reported by MKISOFS and by "ls -la".
When I ran CDRECORD, I got a messag
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999 21:45:24 +0200 (IST), Gadi Oxman wrote:
>1. Answer 'n' to 'Include IDE/ATAPI cdrom support" during the
since I have an additional ide CDROM, I think this would not be a
good solution for me
>2. Pass a "hdc=ide-scsi" command line parameter to the kernel, to
this worked perfect
Hi All,
I need a haifa area student, (meaning someone living in Haifa), that has
vast knowladge in Installing and configuring Linux machines (needs
knowladge in Sendmail, Apache, WU-FTPD, Squid, etc...).
The job is a flex hours job, and is on an hourly pay basis. Must have
drivers license, job
the only ones needed are:
/usr/src/include/asm -> /usr/src/include/asm-i386
/usr/include/asm -> /usr/src/include/asm
(if it points to asm-i386 it is a wrong assumption)
The second one already should have been there even on fresh installed RH
The first one is somehow absent, which is RH mystery
dumb me! (fuck im stupi)
i found out it wasnt the script fault,
it's somthing 'bout the pppd-2.3.7 module.
that's the error i get:
/usr/sbin/pppd-2.3: This system lacks kernel support for PPP. This could
be because
the PPP kernel module is not loaded, or because the kernel is
not configured