> Hi all,
> I'm kinda stuck with the following issue;
> I have a Dell 2950 with 6 450G SAS disks configured with a hw-raid5 set,
> which gives me a volume of ~2TB. This volume is recognized as sda during
> boottime (log1 below) but somehow sfdisk is not able to initialize the
> volume with th
> I'm trying to use the new setup-storage method for creating my raid0
> arrays. I found the bug information (#508192) on the problem and
> upgraded to 3.2.19 (fai-client, fai-server) and regenerated my nfsroot
> but I still seem to be getting the problem (that it specifies spare
> devices wher
> To put a boot sector on all raid drives you need a patched:
> /config/files/boot/grub/menu.lst/postinst
> Or is there are a other solution?
It will still require some patches to the above file, but using grub-pc should
at least give native RAID support. But I never tested that my
> hello all,
> i ran the fai-setup, and it was fine.
> however, in fai guide there is written that "it needs more than 390MB MBtes
> disk space" and my fai-setup has just 302MB of data.
> i hope there is no problem with the setup.
Did you notice any error messages? If not, you should be fine. M
> Hello,
> We need to patch grub-install each time we build nfsroot new. Anybody
> else with this problem?
> debian lenny
Yes, see here:
(with exactly the same bugfix). Apparently you can safely ignore this error.
> The error message is the following (full log is at
> http://paste.debian.net/34215/)
The uninitialized stuff warnings indicated some bugs that I need to look into,
but that doesn't seem to be the showstopper.
> Executing: /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda2
> Command /lib/udev/vol_id -u
>> So, mysteriously, that information is lost afterwards. Hmm, looking at the
>> code
>> of vol_id it seems that parted might have overridden the volume id for
>> /dev/sda2 (instead of /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda3). Could you re-run that failing
>> installation and, once it aborts, do
>> par
> Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
>> [...]
>>>> So, mysteriously, that information is lost afterwards. Hmm, looking at the
>>>> code
>>>> of vol_id it seems that parted might have overridden the volume id for
>>>> /dev/
> #
> # config LVM
> disk_config lvm fstabkey:uuid
> #
> vg vg00 disk1.3
> #
> vg00-root / 5120 xfs defaults
> -
> vg00-var /var3072 xfs defaults
> -
> vg00-opt /opt1024
> You got it:
> # mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda2
> # /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda2
> 6428a2d1-c30d-4916-ab6b-625117989651
> #
> I wonder how this mdadm data was still there, though...
> Thanks for your help,
Ok, good to know, thanks for testing this. I wonder whether we should do
> I've tried changing my FAI_DEBOOTSTRAP="etch
> http://ftp.debian.org/debian"; but I get the exact same error with
> debian.org:
> Calling debootstrap etch /data/fai/nfsroot/QC/amd64/live/filesystem.dir
> http://ftp.debian.org/debian [^]
> I: Retrieving Packages
> I: Validating Package
>> You where soo right... Thnx...
>> I was trying to assign 72304 x 1024 = 74039296 disk_config disk1
>> bootable:1
>> primary /boot 256 ext3defaults
>> primary - 2048swaprw
>> primary - 7- - -
>> while I the disk as:
>> [r.
> Here is the execution in 64-bit:
> [r...@kayak /root]# LC_ALL=C debootstrap --verbose --exclude=dhcp-client,info
> etch /data/fai/nfsroot/QC/amd64/live/filesystem.dir
> http://etch.apt.mydomain/debian/base/amd64
> I: Validating Packages
> I: Resolving dependencies of required packages
[ Please subscribe to linux-fai and post such questions there, you're a lot
likelier to get a timely answer ]
> Hi All:
> I was wondering if there is a way to get network module loaded on a box
> before FAI starts its install. We have a new set of motherboards where Im
> having to compile the
> >>>>> On Mon, 4 May 2009 20:22:03 +0200, Michael Tautschnig
> >>>>> said:
> >> 247 yes '' | LC_ALL=C call_verbose debootstrap
> Just remove the yes '' |
> This
> So, what's wrong here, the manual or my understanding of it?
I think, the code is/was wrong. The documentation is correct in that it says
what it should do. Attached is a patch to fix that issue (meant for 3.2.20),
which is included in 3.2.21+experimental2.
> Hi,
> Michael Tautschnig wrote on 2009-05-06 21:34:29 +0200 [Re: option bootable in
> setup-storage]:
> > > there might be a small discrepancy between setup-storage and its man page:
> > >
> > > [...] the setup-storage man page says (at least to my
> Hi,
> Michael Tautschnig wrote on 2009-05-07 06:17:28 +0200 [Re: option bootable in
> setup-storage]:
> > > [...]
> > > I'm just wondering ... what happens if / is on a logical partition or
> > > LVM LV?
> >
> > I do test for /
> Thomas Lange schrieb:
> >> On Fri, 08 May 2009 10:21:19 +0200, Carsten Aulbert
> >> said:
> >
> > >> PS: Is there an easy way to enable an accessible terminal on tty2
> > and 3?
> > >> I've tried editing /etc/inittab in the live image, but that did not
> > do
> > >>
Just for the sake of completeness:
> I am trying to create some dual-boot machines using FAI. But I cannot
> figure hout how to preserve the first partition where Windows is
> installed. I did managed to wipe Windows out on one computer.
> If I say preserve_always:1, do I still have to create
> Am i missing somthing?
> i start my dhcp server using "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart"
> I also want know does tftp also required some changes in order to run fai ?
> however, at the client side i am getting a message as "pxe-e51- no
> dhcp or proxy offer received"
> looking f
> Hello all,
> now my FAI is running well so far, thanks a lot for your suggestions and
> time , this time my problem is slightly different but still related to FAI ,
> I have a server and a client , both connected through LAN with in a lab now
> if i try to connect both these through LAN then
> There was a patch recently for fai-savelog, but it has a bug
> in setting the wrong variable at least in the current
> 3.2.21+experimental2 version, causing remote log saving to fail.
> It should read:
I've included this patch-for-the-patch in 3.2.21+experimental3. Sorry for taking
> here's a tiny patch to setup-storage's (v1.0.4) Parser.pm that adds md
> raid10 functionality, for me at least :-)
I've slightly extended your patch (a change in Sizes.pm was necessary too); it's
included in 3.2.21+experimental4. Please see
> Hi,
> Nicolas Courtel wrote on 2009-04-30 11:11:46 +0200 [Re: setup-storage for
> raid5 + lvm]:
> >
> > >># mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda2
> > >># /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda2
> > >>6428a2d1-c30d-4916-ab6b-625117989651
> > >>[...]
> > >
> > >Ok, good to know, thanks for testing this. I w
> Hi!
> I'm using FAI since a few days. I can setup and install my clients. But
> I can't use the faimond.
> I have ssh-access to my server. And when I try "faimond" i got these
> message:
> @server2: ~$ sudo faimond start
> Can't locate Proc/Daemon.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl
> /usr/l
I'm not using faimond, maybe someone else could answer that one.
- Forwarded message from Nils Unterweger -
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 21:53:45 +0200
From: Nils Unterweger
To: Michael Tautschnig
Subject: Re: Using faimond
User-Agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird
> hello all,
> I need to use fai to install an operating system other than default
> distribution which comes with default fai-setup.
Would you mind clarifying what you mean by "an operating system other than
default distribution"? Are you talking about installing, e.g., sid or squeeze
> Hello List!
> I have a client with two NICs. One is onboard and PXE capable. The
> other is plugged and not PXE capable.
> I configured DHCP- and FAI-Server for the onboard card, and the
> client gets the kernel and initram from tftp.
> But then the client tries to mount the nfs-root from the
> PS: Details on the partitioning problem... I have to install on
> machines with disks ranging from 40Gb to 240Gb. These are
> workstations and there is a lot of software installed in /usr/local
> but we don't need much space in /home because we have home dirs
> mounted via nfs. So I nee
> Steffen Grunewald wrote:
> > Is it possible (without setting up a i386 chroot) to create a i386 nfsroot
> > for FAI, on a amd64 machine?
> I did not try that, but as far as I lknow, debootstrap has an option to
> explictly chose the architecture, and make-fai-nfsroot.conf has a
> setting DEBOO
Hi Steffen,
Sorry for responding that late.
> (parted) unit B print free
> Disk /dev/sdb: 6981504466943B
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
> Partition Table: gpt
> Number Start End SizeFile system Name Flags
> 1 17408B 6981504450047
> I'm using FAI to set up a server with RAID1 and LVM (although I don't
> think the LVM is relevant to this problem). The FAI version is
> 3.2.17~lenny1.
> Essentially, I've placed the :spare option on one of the partitions in
> each RAID1 array, but that partition is simply being added into
> Hi all!
> I am trying to do an FAI installation. My problem is that no packages
> are installed onto the target system (not even a kernel), which makes it
> hard to use to say the least.
> Looking at my fai.log, ...
> --- SNIP ---
> Err http://ftp.debian.org lenny/main Packages
> 40
> Is there anyone around who has gathered some experience installing mysql
> server within FAI? Apparently, the _existing_ debconf template
> "start_on_boot" isn't obeyed, and I'm running into trouble with the
> setting for the root password.
> I'd appreciate if you'd be willing to share your idea
> Hello,
> I have a question about resizing with setup-storage in general and
> specifically regarding ntfs. We currently have Windows-only machines
> with 12GB sda1 (primary, C:, NTFS) and the rest sda2 (primary, D:,
> NTFS). We'd like to keep sda1 as it is and, if possible, resize sda2 to
> ma
> The problem disappear if I copy /usr/share/perl5/Linux/LVM.pm from
> ubuntu to lenny (use liblinux-lvm-perl_0.13 instead of 0.14)
> Something interesting is :
> from vgdisplay:
> Alloc PE / Size 0 / 0
> and the associated regexp in LVM.pm:
> m/^Alloc PE \/ Size\s+(
> I have defined encrypted swap and tmp like this
> disk_config lvm
> vg vg1 disk1.6
> vg1-swap swap:encrypt2048swapsw
> vg1-tmp /tmp:encrypt1024ext2rw
> ...
> This works during setup, two device-mapper devices crypt_dev_vg1_tmp and
> crypt_dev_vg1_
> Michael Tautschnig schrieb:
> >> I have defined encrypted swap and tmp like this
> >>
> >> disk_config lvm
> >> vg vg1 disk1.6
> >> vg1-swap swap:encrypt2048swapsw
> >> vg1-tmp/tmp:encrypt1024ext2
> >
> > You can download/install them by adding the experimental/koeln repository as
> > described on the wiki page:
> >
> > http://faiwiki.debian.net/index.php/Main_Page#getting_FAI
> >
> > Best,
> > Michael
> >
> I tried today with 3.2.23beta4, and it did not work :-(
Hmm, that vers
> - and closer examination shows that in disk_var.sh, there's a line
> BOOT_DEVICE="/dev/sda /dev/sdb"
> when it should read
> BOOT_DEVICE="/dev/sda"
> only.
> For whatever reason this has happened: it shouldn't. There could be
> several reasons to have multiple bootable devices (e.g.
> Im using the latest but it seems that the version of setup storage
> does not recognize raid10 as a config option though debian itself with mdadm
> does. Is there a patch for this? Or are there any hacks I can apply?
The next FAI release will support RAID10; if you're curious, you
> Hi,
> On Thu, 07.05.2009 at 20:38:11 +0200, Michael Tautschnig
> wrote:
> > Even though a bit bogus, I'll for now leave the situation as is: One
> > possible
> > bugfix is ready, but it stays in experimental. I'll just wait for further
> > On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 14:55:14 +0200, Torsten Schlabach
> > said:
> > http://faiwiki.informatik.uni-koeln.de/index.php/Setup-storage
> Not sure, but man setup-storage should be up to date.
It is still to-be-done. Thinking about it once again, however, I'd prefer not to
Hi Steffen,
> I had to find that *even if I preserve_always* a certain partition at
> the "end" of the disk, setup-storage would complain about it (not ending
> at a cylinder boundary: this is a RAID on a 3ware controller which would
> fake geometries anyway) - I had to backup, drop the
Hi Andreas,
I'm terribly sorry for replying this late. I'd still hope you find the time to
reproduce the problem, but see below.
> >
> > PS.: NTFS may cause several other problems as well - you've got a backup,
> > don't
> > you?
> I am using a test machine, no data to lose ;-)
> Your sol
> Le mardi 23 juin 2009 à 19:17 +0200, Robert Markula a écrit :
> > I've managed to successfully install Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty (FAI
> > 3.2.4+svn4837) from a Debian Lenny Server (FAI 3.2.17). Everything works
> > well, except that the client's console keyboard layout is set to the
> > standard US layo
> Le mercredi 09 septembre 2009 à 15:18 +0200, Michael Tautschnig a
> écrit :
> > [...]
> >
> > >
> > > The problem disappear if I copy /usr/share/perl5/Linux/LVM.pm from
> > > ubuntu to lenny (use liblinux-lvm-perl_0.13 instead of 0.14)
> > &g
> hiya
> > $kernelmodules is the right way to do this, but not in
> > FAIBASE.var. The variable is used in 20-hwdetect.source, which is
> > executed before FAIBASSE.var is sourced. You can just edit your
> > 20-hwdetect.source script and add modules there to $kernelmodules.
> Is there a "corr
> On 09/30/2009 12:11 AM, Jean Spirat wrote:
> >
> >> I prefer using my own variables in my own namespace and initialize
> >> them from a "known good" source - like $HOSTNAME. This may not be
> >> the most obvious solution, but this way you can guarantee that
> >> "your" variable has a valid value
> On 30.09.2009 09:02, Juergen Kahnert wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 03:06:41AM +0200, Darshaka Pathirana wrote:
> ainsl -a $target/etc/sudoers "%adm ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/su -[mp]"
> >> Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
> >
> > try this as a quick workaround:
> >
> >
Which variable did you export? Is it really "proxy"? I think this must be
http_proxy, but maybe the man-page of debootstrap knows more about that!?
> wel i am sorry but due to lack of response i have to post this issue again.
> hello list
> well i have tried using d
> hiya
> >> Is there a "correct" way to provide variables to scripts in class/ ?
> [...]
> > If you name your script 00foobar.source it will be executed first _and_
> > sourced, therefore all variable definitions from 00foobar.source will
> > also be visible in all other scripts. You might need
> After resolving a module related problem (see other thread), the
> installation almost completed. I made some errors in my configuration,
> though and wanted to re-run the installation, but without the two or
> three hours delay that are attributable to the creation and re-syncing
> of
> Michael Tautschnig schrieb:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I have a question about resizing with setup-storage in general and
> >> specifically regarding ntfs. We currently have Windows-only machines
> >> with 12GB sda1 (primary, C:, NTFS) and the rest
Sorry for this full-quote; I think it might be useful if you could add your
information to the bug reported as #404927 (http://bugs.debian.org/404927) for
udev people to work around this or kernel folks fix this.
> I get the same problem here on an IBM 3950, my sda device
> Where would the :encrypt go in this recipe if I wanted to encrypt the
> partition
> before laying down a volume group?
> # Simple LVM example
> disk_config sda bootable:1
> primary /boot 500 ext3 rw
> primary - 4096- - -
> disk_config lvm
> vg my_pvsda2
> my_pv-_swap
> I have patched setup-storage to handle LVM on an entire disk like this:
> file: usr/share/fai/setup-storage/Parser.pm near lines 607
> if ($dev =~ m/^disk(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
> $dev = &FAI::make_device_name("/dev/" . $FAI::disks[ $1
> - 1 ], $2);
> +
> Le jeudi 29 octobre 2009 à 16:09 +0100, Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
> > [...]
> >
> > >
> > > I have patched setup-storage to handle LVM on an entire disk like this:
> > > file: usr/share/fai/setup-storage/Parser.pm near lines 607
> > >
> So it finally works as we want, the error was another problem...
Patch merged into trunk, so it will actually already be included in the next
Description: PGP signature
> > On Tue, 3 Nov 2009 15:11:22 +0100, Martin Härtig
> > said:
> > Dear Thomas Lange,
> > first of all, thank you for creating FAI, it's a very handy tool for
> > maintaining some (and counting) of our desktop machines here.
> Thanks.
> > Recently, we encountered a
> Hi Thomas,
> fine :-))
> Is it save to do an upgrade without having too much trouble?
> BTW: Is it possible to pre-install a linux system and adding
> it later to the FAI for updating and maintaining it?
> The reason is quite simple: It is a server with a complete
> dif
> Hello,
> just my 2c:
> > > The reason is quite simple: It is a server with a complete
> > > different layout of the filesystem, using xfs and some other
> > > special settings. But it would be much easier if we can use
> > > fai to keep the system up-to-date...
> >
> >
> hiya
> Another success story.
> I've successfully updated our setup from 3.2.20 to 3.3. Had to update my
> install_packages patch but apart from that everything runs fine without a
> change.
Just curious: What kind of patch are you maintaining? Would it be worth to be
included in mainli
> >> I've successfully updated our setup from 3.2.20 to 3.3. Had to update my
> >> install_packages patch but apart from that everything runs fine without
> >> a change.
> > Just curious: What kind of patch are you maintaining? Would it be worth to
> > be included in mainline?
> - treat class
> Hello all,
> I used fai to install approximately 20 servers from Sun, but I am
> completely unable to use it on Sun Fire X2100 machines (verified on
> three of them). I use Debian Lenny on server (version 3.2.17~lenny1)
> and I want it to be installed on all the machines. My problem is even
> s
> Hello,
> this should not be the case, because the other machines (V20z) have
> also two interfaces. I distinguish them very clearly by MAC address in
> /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf and /etc/ehters which I am used to verify in
> bootlog and /var/log/daemon.log resp. syslog.
> This was also issue f
> Sorry for the self-followup, I forgot something
> > I don't care which interface is configured, as long as a usable interface
> > is configured. (If there's no dhcp on this network then it's not "usable"
> > - at least for mounting the nfs shares.)
> I have servers with up to 8 network inte
> I've investigated to understand the error, and found that the
> task_prepareapt function (and other FAI ones defined
> in /usr/lib/fai/subroutines) are transmitted through environment
> from /etc/init.d/rcS to FAI config scripts (like the hook script which
> install these packages) and
> On 10/15/2009 10:12 PM, Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> >> On 30.09.2009 09:02, Juergen Kahnert wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 03:06:41AM +0200, Darshaka Pathirana wrote:
> >>>>>> ainsl -a $target/etc
> Dear FAI list,
> I'm new to the setup-storage tool and have some problems trying to
> configure the partitioning.
> I want to use labels in my /etc/fstab. Also I want to put several
> partitions on LVM. The following doesn't work. However adding
> createopts to the lvm volumes doesn't
> Though, my NFSROOT/root/.ssh/ remains empty. Any idea why this is not
> initialized?
Looking at the respective code in make-fai-nfsroot, this depends on the contents
of $LOGUSER's .ssh on your server. If LOGUSER=fai and you don't even have a fai
user, nothing will be copied. If you
Hi Rudy,
> Partitioning local harddisks using setup-storage
> Starting setup-storage 1.2+exp
> disklist was: sda
> Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/SHIBBOLETH_IDP
> Input was:
> disk_config disk1 fstabkey:label bootable:1
> primary /boot 200 ext3rw creat
Hi Rudy,
sorry for the late reply.
> >I'm not entirely sure about this, but maybe this is a new error message that
> >parted prints if the disk does not contain a disk label (i.e., is
> >brand-new or
> >had been zeroed) or some disklabel that parted doesn't understand.
> >Could that be
Hi Leen,
> Hello all,
> I got an issue that I can't seem to solve.
> At the moment I have a working FAI env. for our HP blades. These use
> the firmware-bnx2. However, we now got newer blades, which need the
> firmware-bnx2x.
> So, I added this to the package list in the NFSROOT file, re-ran
> hiya
> >> If FAI isn't told anything, then the result of the installation will
> >> be a SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 in 64bit. If you tell fai
> >> to install a 32bit machine, then this results in a 32bit SLES. If you
> >> just want a Debian Box, then you'll get Debian Lenny /
In addition to my preceding mail I'd like to add some more info:
> These are the package definitions I currently use.
> (These are _only_ for installing the correct kernel.)
> PACKAGES aptitude
> abc
> bcd
> cde
> diffutils | diff
> [...]
> So diffutils is being installed unless not installable/unavailable
> and then diff should be taken instead.
> Any opinions?
I'm not sure about PACKAGES aptitude, but when using PACKAGES install a simple
> Hello Michael,
> I've been away, so I'm not back to follow up on this.
> Quoting Michael Tautschnig :
> >Could you do another run and run parted manually from the shell
> >you should get
> >dropped into? Like so:
> >
> >pa
> Hi all,
> I'm still puzzled by setup-storage (fai 3.2.17~lenny1). Imagine a server with
> two (locical) device sda and sdb and the following disk_layout:
> disk_config disk1 disklabel:msdos bootable:1
> primary /boot 128 ext3 rw,errors=remount-ro
> primary /
Hi Andreas,
It seems that nobody commented on this so far. Do you maybe have some new
results yourself?
> Some problems occur:
> - On the usb stick grub does not boot. "GRUB" was the last message.
> May be a problem with grub_pc?
Could you maybe try the experimental packages? These
> Now after reading more I think I need to get aufs into my installer (Lenny),
> and maybe my initrd or Etch filesystem too? Not sure. I can install these
> on Lenny -
> aufs-modules-2.6-486
> and
> aufs-modules-2.6.26-2-486
> But then if I run fai-setup again debootstrap etch says -
> ---
> The problem
> ---
> When booting the client, after some time it stops by printing:
>VFS: Cannot open root device "nfs" or unknown-block (2,0)
>Please append a correct "root=" boot option
>Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs
> Hi FAIarians,
> I had small problems with make-fai-nfsroot and hooks: the script tried
> to run backup files (*~) as well as subdirectories beneath my
> $NFSROOT_HOOKS and failed on the first error because of running with
> "set -e". This is not the behavior I intended.
> My quick hack solu
> Hello all,
> In Debian Squeeze, the get_volume_group_list function from
> Linux::LVM returns sizes in GiB instead of GB, and setup-storage
> fails on these.
> As the module documentation says units are in GB, it looks to me
> like a bug in Linux::LVM, caused by a new default behavior of
> vgdi
> For the moment I'll just add a eat-the-i-patch to setup-storage.
Included in 3.3.3+experimental5.
Description: PGP signature
> The other confusion for me is I expected to have the Lenny kernel (2.6.26-2)
> running during the install on the target. I thought I was creating a Lenny
> live CD to install an Etch 2.6.18-6 client. But instead the CD appears to
> use the client kernel the whole time - can anybody cl
> > It's truely easy to make setup-storage eat this extra 'i', but what is
> > the correct solution? It seems that LVM switched over to IEC-proposed
> > Gi prefixes to mean 1024*1024*1024 bytes; should we then also change
> > the semantics of disk_config files where [...]
> Start to deprecate "G
And first of all: Sorry for replying this late... I'm replying to the very first
mail in this thread as it has all the info.
> disk_var.sh seems ok:
> +++
> SWAPLIST="/dev/sda1"
> BOOT_DEVICE="/dev/sda"
> ROOT_PARTITION=/dev/sda2
> BOOT_PARTITION=/dev/sda2
> +++
> (or should BOOT
> Hi,
> We would like to have a partitioning scheme that will divide the FREE
> SPACE into 2 partitions of 80% and 20%.
> I've wrote my class like this, but 80% and 20% are interpreted as % of
> disk and not % of free space.
> Is there a way to do this ?
> Regards
> -
> Le lundi 11 janvier 2010 à 16:15 +0100, Mathieu Alorent a écrit :
> > Le lundi 11 janvier 2010 à 15:53 +0100, Thomas Neumann a écrit :
> > > After reading the manpage: It seems "-q" would be the best choice.
> >
> > you're right. I'll update my local patch to "-q" and test.
> >
> Ok, "-q" wo
> (I apologize in advance if this question is not directly and only
> related to FAI, but more of a general Debian question...)
> I'm installing systems from a USB stick with the FAI version 3.3, and I
> use fai-mirror to create a partial mirror of the packages I need for
> installation from th
> Hi,
> It seems when I use fcopy from a hook only some classes are defined. For
> ex. if I call it from
> hooks/configure.XYZ then fcopy -D does not show class XYZ as being defined.
> Is that the
> intended behavior?
That seems to be very strange (and possibly some bug) - could you add a simple
> Please note that I had to add "51-grub" to check for GRUB / GRUB_PC
> because testing for GRUB_PC in "50-host-classes" does not work (if you
> add GRUB_PC to any of your machines in there) as the classes are only
> added and detected by ifclass after the script has terminated.
> > Th
> Hi, Has anyone had experience using the softupdate feature from a CD? Its
> described in the manual as "updating the running system without doing a
> re-installation". In this case you'd be running from the CD and updating
> the hard drive installation so you are not updating the *running* syst
> Heyho!
> I'm still using LILO because grub-pc doesn't work for me.
> I found part of the problem: scripts/GRUB_PC/10-setup has a static list of
> grub modules to be included in core.img; with squeeze's grub version, some
> of these modules were renamed or are not available anymore.
> $
> Hello All,
> I hope some one can shed some light on ftar.
> My current setup is like this:
> Classname is LUSTRE64. I have a tarball
> /srv/fai/config/files/lib/modules/LUSTRE64.tar.gz
> In my script I tried several syntaxes, things like
> ftar -t /target/lib/modules -s /lib/modules
> f
> OK, I think the error I hit was already fixed in SVN head:
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/fai/trunk/lib/setup-
> storage/Init.pm?op=diff&rev=5691&sc=0
Well, but that fix should be in FAI 3.3.3 (which you claimed you are using)!?
> Can anyone tell me, why sdt was the "old" limit?
I think
> Hi
> On Friday 26 February 2010 20:48:32 Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> >
> > Well, but that fix should be in FAI 3.3.3 (which you claimed you are
> > using)!?
> >
> That's what dpkg -l keeps telling me (and what's pulled in form cologne).
> Hi!
> Did somebody install hylafax with FAI?
> Base-Installation works fine but I still was not able to find a
> switch to disable the faxsetup-prompts?
> So does anyone have a working solution?
> Any help would be very nice!
I haven't used hylafax in a while, but just looked at t
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