[LincolnTalk] HFAC December 17 at the Civil Air Terminal

2024-12-15 Thread C Eliot
Hanscom Field Advisory Commission Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 7-8 p.m. Location: Civil Air Terminal h...@lincolntown.org https://sites.google.com/view/hfac Meeting will be on site (one time only) Agenda Call to order Announcements Passwords Is there information about future scheduled passenger or

Re: [LincolnTalk] Dance performance 12/15

2024-12-15 Thread Jai Kaur
Get in touch with the person who posted the event : Sangita Gandhi sangitagandhi0...@gmail.com This link was in her email and it works for me. Buy tickets here https://linktr.ee/danceshowcase https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm&ogbl#sent?projector=1 ~Jai On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 9:53 PM D

Re: [LincolnTalk] Dance performance 12/15

2024-12-15 Thread Vama Gandhi
Hello Kathryn, Donald, Lincoln Talk members, Kindly follow the link below for contribution to the cause. It is the same link that shows on the flier QR code. The link will remain active even after the show. https://linktr.ee/danceshowcase You are kindly welcome to even make tax deductible contri

Re: [LincolnTalk] local coat drive?

2024-12-15 Thread S F via Lincoln
There was a coat drive today at Revolve in Belmont. They might still be collecting... Thx, Jo On Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 10:23:52 AM EST, melinda bruno-smith wrote: Happy holidays neighbors! We have a few warm coats to donate. Can you please direct us to a local coat drive?

Re: [LincolnTalk] FREE Husky Digital Tire Gauge PENDING PICK-UP

2024-12-15 Thread Jai Kaur
Spoken for with back-ups. Thanks . On Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 9:54 AM Annamaria San Antonio < victorygoddess...@gmail.com> wrote: > Offering thisHusky Digital Tire Gauge. > Contact me directly if you can use it. > > Jai 781-738-1920 > Sent from my iPhone -- The LincolnTalk mailing list. To post, se

Re: [LincolnTalk] Fwd: Local Business Highlight: You Can Find Anything at Something Special in Lincoln

2024-12-15 Thread Joan Kimball
Sorry. He woke up and tried to have heat in the house. On Sat, Dec 14, 2024, 11:05 PM Sara Mattes wrote: > Truth… and they forgot to mention great clothing. Really, something for > everyone and at a wide variety of price points. > Sent from my iPhone > > Begin forwarded message: > > *From:* s

Re: [LincolnTalk] Cello? - Many kind offers! Thank you

2024-12-15 Thread cmontie montie . net
Hello LT And just like that: the kind offers to loan a cello are flowing in. What a remarkable town! Thank you one and all, I think we’re all set! Best Carolyn > On Dec 15, 2024, at 12:36 PM, cmontie montie.net wrote: > > Hi LT > > This is an odd request, but does anyone happen to hav

[LincolnTalk] Massage and Bodywork Gift Certificates

2024-12-15 Thread Annamaria San Antonio
*Gift Certificates for **Massage and Bodywork and Holistic Health & Wellness Services* *are **The Perfect Gift for Any Body* [image: cid:image001.jpg@01DB4D91.C5805440] ** *Jai Kaur Healing Arts **, based in Lincoln, Massachusetts is

[LincolnTalk] Grow Native Plants in Mini-Greenhouses in the SNOW! January 15 in Wayland

2024-12-15 Thread CJ Sizer
Learn a new technique – the winter sow – for growing our local native flowering perennials from seed. Your potted seeds will stay outdoors until spring and then baby native plants will appear! The seeds selected are “Pollinator Powerhouses.” These plants are powerful tools to help fight pollution,

[LincolnTalk] Math Tutoring

2024-12-15 Thread Carol Michener via Lincoln
Hello there Talks, My Junior math major at UMass (Ambrose Card) is offering math tutoring services, if anyone has a high school student struggling in math classes up to and including Calculus, please text him at (978) 831 7902. He also is willing to cover the Mechanics portion of Physics up to t

[LincolnTalk] Cello?

2024-12-15 Thread cmontie montie . net
Hi LT This is an odd request, but does anyone happen to have a full size cello in playing condition that you’d be willing to lend from December 23 - 26? My oldest will be visiting from the Pacific Northwest, and it’s a long way to bring her cello to enjoy playing carols together by the Christm

[LincolnTalk] Rug Taken

2024-12-15 Thread Zalen Stason
The free rug has been taken. - Zalen -- The LincolnTalk mailing list. To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org. Browse the archives at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/private/lincoln/. Change your subscription settings at https://pairlist9.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/lincoln.

[LincolnTalk] ISO stokke trip trap baby attachment

2024-12-15 Thread Shira H
Hi neighbors- anyone selling/giving away the baby attachment for the stokke trip trap high chair? Not the newborn attachment, the one for babies that can sit up but need to be strapped in. Thanks, Shira -- The LincolnTalk mailing list. To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org. Browse the a