>> In the meantime, the distinction is explained in NR 5.1.2 Creating
>> contexts, although this section has not yet been reviewed in GDP so
>> maybe it could be improved. Let me know to what extent it helps
>> you. In any case I'll bear your comments in mind when I get to
>> that section.
On the front page, in Opera on Linux, the word `Reference' overlaps
the previous line:
Are you specifying an interline spacing, rather than using the
natural one for the font?
Peter C
I'm trying to typeset a piece, that should fit on a single
page. Lilypond keeps trying to put it on two pages.
I've put in
and measured the system height, and the single system that flows onto
page two should fit
> "Graham" == Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The only problem is that the dynamics of the new commands are not
>> reflected in the MIDI output.
Graham> Hmm... I can't get concerned about that. I guess that
Graham> somebody writing piano music might care, but since I write fo
> "Patrick" == Patrick McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> also offer a safe-and-sound version, and have this
>> "ugly-but-efficient" narrow-TOC solution as a "large screen
>> optimized version"?
Patrick> Good idea. I'll start experimenting with this.
Please make sure it still works on
Turn after a note I write as:
<< { c4 d4} \\ {s8. s16\turn s4}>>
This *looks* right, (adjust the s8. and s16 to move the turn; they
must add up to a crotchet).
It doesn;t sound in the MIDI output, and there's no easy way to make
Dr Peter Chubb http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au peterc
Newbie question,
How do I make the "Flute" instrument name appear like the one in the image
i.e., along with the 1 2 player information, with the correct alignment.
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Also, I was able to make it closer to brace by changing the line width in
your solution. But, I would like it to be automatic, like I want to left
align the name "flute" and right align the "1 2" so that I don't have to
worry about the width, if I change the paper size. Is that possible? Thanks.
lease give me a small
description, so that I learn how to do this in the future?
Thanks a lot again. http://old.nabble.com/file/p33033450/markup.jpg
lily-user wrote:
> Newbie question,
> How do I make the "Flute" instrument name appear like the one in the image
Thanks. That worked. However, is there an automatic way to align the content
instead of specifying manual numbers? Like how you do in word or even latex.
I would like to do something like the following
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column {\null "Flute"} \column {1 2}
and make the f
Thanks Nicolas and Eluze
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Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
lilypond-user mailing list
Is there a way to specify articulation over several notes. Eg., relative c' {
c d e f | g a b c }. I would like to make the first four notes staccato and
the second 4 marcato. Just, clarifying, I understand that I can do
c\staccato d\staccato etc. Can I do something like (c d e f)\staccato?
How do I do notate a harp glissando like the one in the attached image?
http://old.nabble.com/file/p33274457/HarpGliss.png HarpGliss.png
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Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archiv
I have a couple of issues with the attached ly file, version 2.14.2:
1. I get the warning "forced break was overridden by some other event,
should you be using bar checks?". Hence, I can't add breaks or pagebreaks
wherever I want to.
2. A weird pdf when I add a \grace to the first note in the f
Thanks Phil. That fixed it. However, isn't this something that should be done
automatically? It becomes a hassle for huge scores e.g., with more that 10
staves. Isn't it hard to add that to each staff and keep track of it in a
huge score? Do I have to synchronize it even in the middle of a score?
David Kastrup wrote:
> lily-user writes:
>> Thanks Phil. That fixed it. However, isn't this something that should
>> be done automatically?
> Most bugs have the annoying property not to fix themselves
> automatically.
I very well know tha
grace note with
the 2 staves in my simple example. But, it doesn't work with a complex
example. I think there should be a better solution for the problem.
-Eluze wrote:
> lily-user wrote:
>> Thanks Phil. That fixed it. However, isn't this something that sh
Hi Folks,
How can I incorporate a url in markup, so it becomes a clickable
link in the lilypond-generated PDF? For example, to provide a link
to the CC licence page, or to a page with an Urtext?
Peter C
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