Re: Still confused about context vs. new

2008-07-18 Thread lily-user
>> In the meantime, the distinction is explained in NR 5.1.2 Creating >> contexts, although this section has not yet been reviewed in GDP so >> maybe it could be improved. Let me know to what extent it helps >> you. In any case I'll bear your comments in mind when I get to >> that section. Patric

Re: WANTED: Design for documentation (Photoshop power users!)

2008-09-30 Thread lily . user
On the front page, in Opera on Linux, the word `Reference' overlaps the previous line: Are you specifying an interline spacing, rather than using the natural one for the font? Peter C

Shrinking to fit on a single page

2008-10-04 Thread lily . user
Hi, I'm trying to typeset a piece, that should fit on a single page. Lilypond keeps trying to put it on two pages. I've put in \paper{ ragged-bottom=##t bottom-margin=0\mm } and measured the system height, and the single system that flows onto page two should fit

Re: scheme music function going backwards in time (or"better mp dolce") [solved]

2008-10-06 Thread lily . user
> "Graham" == Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> The only problem is that the dynamics of the new commands are not >> reflected in the MIDI output. Graham> Hmm... I can't get concerned about that. I guess that Graham> somebody writing piano music might care, but since I write fo

Re: WANTED: Design for documentation (Photoshop power users!)

2008-10-07 Thread lily . user
> "Patrick" == Patrick McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> also offer a safe-and-sound version, and have this >> "ugly-but-efficient" narrow-TOC solution as a "large screen >> optimized version"? Patrick> Good idea. I'll start experimenting with this. Please make sure it still works on

Re: various ornaments

2009-03-30 Thread lily . user
Turn after a note I write as: << { c4 d4} \\ {s8. s16\turn s4}>> This *looks* right, (adjust the s8. and s16 to move the turn; they must add up to a crotchet). It doesn;t sound in the MIDI output, and there's no easy way to make it. -- Dr Peter Chubb peterc

instrument name or \markup question

2011-12-25 Thread lily-user
Newbie question, How do I make the "Flute" instrument name appear like the one in the image i.e., along with the 1 2 player information, with the correct alignment. Thanks. -- View this message in context:

Re: instrument name or \markup question

2011-12-25 Thread lily-user
Also, I was able to make it closer to brace by changing the line width in your solution. But, I would like it to be automatic, like I want to left align the name "flute" and right align the "1 2" so that I don't have to worry about the width, if I change the paper size. Is that possible? Thanks.

Re: instrument name or \markup question

2011-12-25 Thread lily-user
lease give me a small description, so that I learn how to do this in the future? Thanks a lot again. lily-user wrote: > > Newbie question, > How do I make the "Flute" instrument name appear like the one in the image >

Re: instrument name or \markup question

2011-12-25 Thread lily-user
Thanks. That worked. However, is there an automatic way to align the content instead of specifying manual numbers? Like how you do in word or even latex. I would like to do something like the following \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column {\null "Flute"} \column {1 2} } and make the f

Re: instrument name or \markup question

2011-12-25 Thread lily-user
Thanks Nicolas and Eluze -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user mailing list lil

articulation over several notes

2011-12-31 Thread lily-user
Is there a way to specify articulation over several notes. Eg., relative c' { c d e f | g a b c }. I would like to make the first four notes staccato and the second 4 marcato. Just, clarifying, I understand that I can do c\staccato d\staccato etc. Can I do something like (c d e f)\staccato? Tha

hard glissando

2012-02-06 Thread lily-user
How do I do notate a harp glissando like the one in the attached image? HarpGliss.png Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archiv

grace note issue/bug

2012-02-07 Thread lily-user
I have a couple of issues with the attached ly file, version 2.14.2: 1. I get the warning "forced break was overridden by some other event, should you be using bar checks?". Hence, I can't add breaks or pagebreaks wherever I want to. 2. A weird pdf when I add a \grace to the first note in the f

Re: grace note issue/bug

2012-02-08 Thread lily-user
Thanks Phil. That fixed it. However, isn't this something that should be done automatically? It becomes a hassle for huge scores e.g., with more that 10 staves. Isn't it hard to add that to each staff and keep track of it in a huge score? Do I have to synchronize it even in the middle of a score?

Re: grace note issue/bug

2012-02-08 Thread lily-user
David Kastrup wrote: > > lily-user writes: > >> Thanks Phil. That fixed it. However, isn't this something that should >> be done automatically? > > Most bugs have the annoying property not to fix themselves > automatically. > > I very well know tha

Re: grace note issue/bug

2012-02-08 Thread lily-user
grace note with the 2 staves in my simple example. But, it doesn't work with a complex example. I think there should be a better solution for the problem. -Eluze wrote: > > > lily-user wrote: >> >> Thanks Phil. That fixed it. However, isn't this something that sh

URL in footer

2018-12-11 Thread lily-user
Hi Folks, How can I incorporate a url in markup, so it becomes a clickable link in the lilypond-generated PDF? For example, to provide a link to the CC licence page, or to a page with an Urtext? Peter C ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypon