Boxed Measure Counter

2015-12-25 Thread dtsmarin Hi, I don't understand why I can't change the stencil of the measurecounter. When I do it some crosses appear in the score. I just want the bar numbers to appear within a box. I hope that this question has n

Re: Boxed Measure Counter

2015-12-26 Thread dtsmarin
I tried to use bar numbers but I didn't know how to force the bar numbers to be shown at the center of each measure. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___

Dashed Tie Design Improvement

2016-03-15 Thread dtsmarin
Hi folks, The default shape of the tie's dashes looks a bit strange to me, is there a way to modify it to look a bit like the second one which in my opinion looks fuller on page? Also how can I increase and thicken the dashes between the tie end points? Thank you

Re: Dashed Tie Design Improvement

2016-03-19 Thread dtsmarin
Thank you both for your help! I didn't know that this was a version issue. I'm updating to the newest version right now, I used 2.18.2. - Dimitris -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailin

Chord Glissando Individual Voice right bound tweaking

2016-03-19 Thread dtsmarin
Hi everyone, Is there any way of tweaking the right bound offset of each glissando line? Also how can I fix the weird glitch after the break ?? Thank you, Dimitris -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.

Re: Chord Glissando Individual Voice right bound tweaking

2016-03-20 Thread dtsmarin
The codefile is HUGE and I can't post it due to copyright reasons, so here is a part of the code. I want each gliss. line to be parallel with the other ones and after the break they should continue their normal angle. \version "2.19.38" glissandoSkipOn = { \over

Re: Chord Glissando Individual Voice right bound tweaking

2016-03-20 Thread dtsmarin
Ok I was in a real rush next time I'll be more brief. -D. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _

Re: Changing Laissez Vibrer ties for chords

2016-03-26 Thread dtsmarin
Please I need some help..this code doesn't work for me. Version 2.19.38 Thanks, Dimitris -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at _

Re: Changing Laissez Vibrer ties for chords

2016-03-27 Thread dtsmarin
Hi, Sorry for not including the code, but I simply grabbed it from this thread and pasted it in Lilypond, so I figured out that you would do the same to see if this code doesn't work. My error was simply fixed by changing (set! (ly:grob-property tie 'control-points) to (ly:semi-tie::calc-control-p

Postscript Flat Tie

2016-03-27 Thread dtsmarin
Hello, I like the way Lilypond handles most of the normal ties. But some times my pages are too cluttered for normal ties and I would like to use a tie with a flat surface (as seen in some very complex modern scores). I would like if someone had an idea how to make a tie that looks similar to the

Re: Shape of ties

2016-03-27 Thread dtsmarin
Thank you Thomas, always helpful !!! Urs, I'm not so concerned about the aesthetic difference of the different curvature, especially in Lilypond the curve of the normal ties is most of the times ideal. I just had some two part staves with trills that looked way to cluttered and now I'll test the f

Add arrow to custom gliss stencil

2019-12-24 Thread dtsmarin
Hi, I'm using this snippet but I want to add an arrow at its right edge. Unfortunately LP's default code for that purpose: \once\override Glissando.bound-details.right.arrow = ##t doesn't work so I need some help to figure out how to add the arrow manual

Re: segmented glissando lines

2020-02-09 Thread dtsmarin
Is it possible to change the thickness of the fancy-gliss line? -- Sent from:

Solution for multiple simultaneous Text Spanners in a single voice?

2020-03-20 Thread dtsmarin
Does anyone know any elegant ways to add two or more Text Spanner without using a separate voice? I tried using the SustainPedalLineSpanner but I can't make the line to be centered vertically with the text. (stencil-align-dir-y . c) Also HorizontalBracket doesn't cut for me since I need text m

\tweak Accidental stencil within chord

2019-05-01 Thread dtsmarin
Is it possible to tweak the stencil for an accidental within a chord? Something similar in functionality with: \tweak Stem.color #red \tweak Beam.color #green c8 e 4 -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-use

Re: \tweak Accidental stencil within chord

2019-05-01 Thread dtsmarin
This was an example to show what I'm after. I need to *change* the stencil (e.g. flat to be sharp ) not the colour etc. I know how to change stencil for a single accidental with \override but \tweak Accidental.stencil doesn't work. The closest I've got is this: #(define rhomb-acc (lambda (grob)

Re: \tweak Accidental stencil within chord

2019-05-01 Thread dtsmarin
Oops! Wrong minimal example! #(define enh-acc (lambda (grob) (let* ((stencil (ly:accidental-interface::print grob)) (new-stil (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:hspace 1 #:musicglyph "accidentals.flat"

Re: \tweak Accidental stencil within chord

2019-05-01 Thread dtsmarin
I thought my code didn't work but it looks like it does. Sorry for the unnecessary replies. Use case: Chromatic enharmonic tied notes where normally Lilypond wouldn't work correctly. (Ties don't show up if you don't use this hack). The problem is that my half-solution ruins the spacing. #(define e

How to make this postscript spanner to work with L&R bound-details?

2017-07-10 Thread dtsmarin I want to be able to lengthen/shorten this spanner so that I can avoid potential collisions. The left padding works perfectly but the end of the spanner doesn't respond to any kind of padding. It's too comp

Improve TieColumn shaping capabilities

2017-11-06 Thread dtsmarin
Hi, Shaping multiple ties independently is a pain in the a**. On top of that, while using some of the provided hacks/solutions here, I encountered some weird bugs with disappearing beams etc. It's completely unacceptable that an essential feat

Improve TieColumn shaping capabilities

2017-11-06 Thread dtsmarin
Hi, Shaping multiple ties independently is a pain in the a**. On top of that, while using some of the provided hacks/solutions here, I encountered some weird bugs with disappearing beams etc. It's completely unacceptable that an essential feat

Notched Trill Help

2016-04-13 Thread dtsmarin
Hello, I created this code but the vertical notch at the end of the trillspan doesn't perform as I wished. Every time I change something the space between the notch and the end of the trill spanner gets messed up. Do you know how to make this "smarter" so that it auto-snaps to the end of the spanne

Dynamic Range fluctuation function

2016-05-30 Thread dtsmarin
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a box that will contain two dynamics and between them a two-way arrow. As you can see in the attached file, the function is faked. Ideally something like this would make sense: c1\dynr #niente #ff (need a function that will translate those 2 values to dynamic

Arrow Accidentals Code Error v.2.19

2016-05-31 Thread dtsmarin
Hi everyone, this code doesn't work anymore. Any ideas why? Thanks, Dimitris -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at

Σχετ: Arrow Accidentals Code Error v.2.19

2016-06-01 Thread dtsmarin
Thanks Abraham, I was missing a line of code that caused the error and not the parser since I fixed this a while ago. Στις 8:39 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 1 Ιουνίου 2016, ο/η tisimst [via Lilypond] έγραψε: On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 6:58 PM, dtsmarin [via Lilypond] <[hidden email]> wrote

Create custom Staff type

2016-07-02 Thread dtsmarin
Hello, I want to create a Staff type which will be used for hiding extra staves Ι don't need. Since I use every other available type of staves (Group,Grand,Piano etc.) applying removeemptystaves will also affect other staves that I need. I tried to tweak the engraver-init file (found in usr/share

Re: Create custom Staff type

2016-07-02 Thread dtsmarin
Thank you, but this is not what I'm looking for. I want a special type of "Engraver_group" like Staff, GrandStaff etc. e.g. scoreAViolaPart = \new GrandStaff \with { \clef "alto" } << \set GrandStaff.systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartSquare \new Staff = "A" << \global \scoreAViolaAI \\ \scor

Re: Create custom Staff type

2016-07-02 Thread dtsmarin
Well this works for me, it just takes more time to configure in the file but I'm fine. Thanks again Abraham! -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at

Re: Create custom Staff type

2016-07-02 Thread dtsmarin
Thanks Paul, This helps a lot. But I'm very pleased with the solution Abraham Lee posted before. This snippet is very useful though for other things I want to try. -Dimitris -- View this message in context: Sen

Independent Repeat Spanner

2016-07-15 Thread dtsmarin
Hello, I'm trying to create an independent repeat spanner. (see attached) rep_spanner.png There are several ways to notate what I'm looking for but the same principles are applied. Obviously my code kinda works but it's not

Scheme controllable text spanner padding

2016-07-16 Thread dtsmarin
Hello, How can I create a function such as: \Rpad #2 which will control the padding of a text spanner? It's only for reducing my code's size since using the \override blah blah takes a lot of space if used many times! To be absolutely clear this will not used for common things that work well but

Re: Scheme controllable text spanner padding

2016-07-16 Thread dtsmarin
Thanks a lot David! The next step would be to make pairs of arg's but I think I can do this on my own. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at

Re: Independent Repeat Spanner

2016-07-17 Thread dtsmarin
Hi David, Thanks a lot for your great code!!! Well you can't compile my attached file because it needs the file "definitions.ily" which produces the glyphs for the repeat brackets that contain characters from the Bravura font. Anyway your code seems to work fine for me. The only things I would

Re: Start music at specified measure without having to fill the previous.

2016-07-17 Thread dtsmarin
Thanks Urs, could you explain further this? Btw, I downloaded the files but they don't work. Too many missing .ily files that even if I downloaded them I don't get it to work. -- View this message in context:

Re: Start music at specified measure without having to fill the previous.

2016-07-18 Thread dtsmarin
Hi Jan-Peter, I think the \timespan code is enough for me. Thanks to all of you!!! -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at Nabb

Dynamic with markup text function

2016-07-29 Thread dtsmarin
Hello, Instead of doing this every time: piuF = \markup { \italic più \dynamic f } I would prefer a function that makes this process faster. e.g. a\cd "f" "espress." Best, Dimitris -- View this message in context:

Re: Dynamic with markup text function

2016-07-29 Thread dtsmarin
Yes!! Thanks a lot! What about the alignment? Is it configurable like the other default objects? -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at __

Re: Dynamic with markup text function

2016-08-01 Thread dtsmarin
Hello Jacques, Eventually I found what I needed. Great code btw!. Best, Dimitris -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___

Broken Tie adjust

2016-08-02 Thread dtsmarin
Hello, How do I adjust the shape of those after-line-breaking ties? They are too steep and not in the ideal position. Dimitris -- View this message in context:

Re: Auto Place text after last beat of a Text Spanner

2016-09-15 Thread dtsmarin
UPDATE: This worked for me. Thanks again! ottavaWithLoco = #(define-music-function (mus) (ly:music?) #{ \set Staff.ottavation = #"8va" $mus \unset Staff.ottavation <>^\markup \italic "loco" #}) HTH, Dimitris -- View this message in context:

Re: Auto Place text after last beat of a Text Spanner

2016-09-16 Thread dtsmarin
Thank you people, I tested the function and it works perfectly for normal duration and In this case (ottava) it should work like this. But let's say I want to make a spanner for arco and pizz. techniques. If the transition occurs in the middle of a tuplet then the code doesn't work. I hope I do so

Re: Pitched Trill Collision

2016-09-30 Thread dtsmarin
Thanks Malte. Unfortunately I can't downgrade to an older version because some files won't compile at all.I updated to the newest one by that time (2.19.48) and everyting but this works fine. I hope it gets fixed soon. Best, Dimitris -- View this message in context: http://lilypond.1069038.n5

Re: Override SystemStartSquare width?

2016-11-17 Thread dtsmarin
Hi Thomas, My code uses Scorlatti font and I'm trying to replicate SCORE's look. I simply changed the offset and width of the brackets because Lilypond's defaults are so far from the staves. Also I can't fix the vertical distanc

Re: Override SystemStartSquare width?

2016-11-19 Thread dtsmarin
Wow Thomas, thanks for the amazing piece of code!!! Unfortunately even If it works as a standalone code, it won't work when I insert it in my file. (lists-map (change-width x y-corr) (ly:stencil-expr default-stil)) <-- this gets marked as error I would be happy to send a minimal version of my fi

Re: Override SystemStartSquare width?

2016-11-20 Thread dtsmarin
*UPDATE* I found what causes the code to fail. Apparently it doesn't like at all the *\RemoveAllEmptyStaves*. I tested it multiple times both in my original file and a minimal version. This has to be fixed btw, those extra divisi staves are meant to be hidden most of the times :) HTH, Dimitris

Re: Override SystemStartSquare width?

2016-11-20 Thread dtsmarin
I'm sorry, I thought it was easy to understand that I simply took Thomas's code and inserted the \RemoveAllEmptyStaves command. (My file has nothing to do with this error.) Anyway I attached the problematic code.

Re: Override SystemStartSquare width?

2016-11-20 Thread dtsmarin
Many thanks Simon! Works really great. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user mailing li