Re: Comparing LilyPond with Sibelius, Finale, Musescore etc

2013-07-24 Thread arnepe
I do have both Sibelius (7) and Finale (2012), if needed ... cheers Arne -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at __

Re: Comparing LilyPond with Sibelius, Finale, Musescore etc

2013-07-24 Thread arnepe
ok and done, both pdf's are on their way. -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lil

Re: Music Engraving Conference Mozarteum (Jan. 2020)

2019-09-17 Thread arnepe
that sounds really interesting - and if it makes sense for a non-programming person, who's (just) using lily/fresco I'd love to attend… cheers Arne Peters -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user mailing list

shifting lyrics from above to below staff (and back)

2018-02-21 Thread arnepe
hello list, on the subject of shifting objects as discussed here: has there been any progress on this issue? I'd love to have this opportunity in a 400+ bar piece with -

Re: shifting lyrics from above to below staff (and back)

2018-02-21 Thread arnepe
ok, I've already found an answer, remembering this thread ... cheers Arne -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-us

Re: shifting lyrics from above to below staff (and back)

2018-02-21 Thread arnepe
hello Kieren, I totally agree that those a diffent issues - it is just that for the moment that hack serves my purposes in this project [I could have made that clearer in my second post ;) ]. I'd still be interested though to have the ability to insert those grobs the way you mentioned in the oth

Re: Edition Engraver -- Bar 1

2018-04-07 Thread arnepe
good evening all, (and hoping this post is related to the topic ...) I've just set up a small test-file case: if a Score starts with a \partial, the mod applied to 1 0/4 is mirrored on the upbeat as well (see ). Other

Re: Edition Engraver -- Bar 1

2018-04-08 Thread arnepe
hello Craig, this is the output I get from your file: ee_problem.pdf The "ff" at 1 0/4 looks different than the same mod at 3 0/4. However - if I change the style at line 28, and comment out line 65 or line 89, the change takes

Re: Lilypond <-> Sibelius

2018-04-22 Thread arnepe
if your son is ok with the upcoming new version of "Sibelius | First" - that one is announced to be free of charge but will be restricted to four staves. cheers Arne -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user

Re: Programmatically inject an \editionID in a staff

2018-05-24 Thread arnepe
hi Urs, how about Voice or Score without ".A" - if applicable? If I copy/paste your examples into oner of my own test MWE's this makes the difference ... cheers Arne -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user

Re: [OT] Search for Morgensterns Galgenlieder for choir

2018-06-10 Thread arnepe
hello Bernhard, are you sure about Kodály? - there is a setting by Kodály's pupil Mátyás Seiber, see: (found while googling ""Es gibt ein Gespenst das frißt Taschentücher"). cheers Arne -- Sent from:

Re: Edition Engraver and staff changes

2018-08-16 Thread arnepe
hello Auke, if you want to separate the staff changes from the note input, you could use a separate variable with spacer rests and put the staff changes (+ stem directions + ...) in there: \extra = { s1*2 \change Staff = "right" s1*2 ... \change Staff = "left" s1*2 } etc... then add that variabl

Re: Tempo declaration on different staves

2018-09-22 Thread arnepe
hello Auke, (/bear with me, I'm not a programmer and may not know the correct terminology/) one reason would be that "voice" is a child of "staff": definitions in "staff" are inherited by "voice", plus the benefit of less typing... cheers Arne -- Sent from:

Re: Double time signature when there are grace notes

2017-02-11 Thread arnepe
another solution would be to put the spacer grace in a separate variable (e.g. \global), as opposed to adding invisible graces in every staff ... cheers Arne -- View this message in context:

openlilylib: edition-engraver and \partial

2017-04-23 Thread arnepe
good morning, can someone please enlighten me how to use the edition-engraver for tweaks on a note before the first bar - when a piece starts with an upbeat? Using " \editionMod xxx ... " on anything before "1 0/4" has not worked for me so far... (I'm using the "old" version, as found on openlily

Re: openlilylib: edition-engraver and \partial

2017-04-24 Thread arnepe
thanks for the information cheers Arne -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___ lilypond-user mail

edition-engraver and rehearsal marks in 2.19.60

2017-05-15 Thread arnepe
hello list, when using the (old) edition-engraver to add Rehearsal marks, in v. 2.19.60, writing a Mark with a specific #(number), this is ignored, and the first mark is displayed as "A". In v. 2.19.58 (others not tested) the behaviour is as expected. confused greetings, Arne P. image and MWE (

Re: How to break continuous ottava bracket

2017-07-25 Thread arnepe
how about putting the ottavas in a separate variable, see attached file ... cheers Arne -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___

Re: Moving a tempo mark to the right

2017-08-19 Thread arnepe
use the Edition engraver with for e.g. %% example mock-up %% \editionMod markmove 1 0/4 my.test.Score.A \once \override Score.MetronomeMark.extra-offset = #'(2 . 0) cheers Arne -- View this message in context:

Re: [OT] Linux Users

2017-11-23 Thread arnepe
on the topic of "graphical tools": an alternative to InDesign would be Scribus, which also has "render frames" to include lilypond code greetings Arne -- Sent from: ___

Re: Multi-rest with automatic bar number before and after it

2016-08-07 Thread arnepe
hello, in my case, Lily throws an errror when compiling music starting with a \partial. Otherwise it compiles fine. see attached file debug-mmr.txt /(hope that the file uploads correctly - haven't tried it before...)/ greeting

Re: Multi-rest with automatic bar number before and after it

2016-08-07 Thread arnepe
good morning Harm, this works very well, thanks very much. It also covers mid-piece upbeats, e.g. in my case coming from 3/4 into a 4/2-fugue, which is starting with an extra \partial. cheers Arne Peters -- View this message in context:

lyric extender and rest

2016-09-04 Thread arnepe
hello list, when - after a syllable with lyrics extender - follows a part starting with a "rest" in one of the stanzas (using \notemode within \lyricmode) the extender-line does not stop before the "rest", but underlines it as well. Using "" after the extender also shifts the "rest" by one syllab

Re: lyric extender and rest

2016-09-04 Thread arnepe
thanks Harm, I didn't know that (or hadn't found it yet ...) cheers Arne -- View this message in context: Sent from the User mailing list archive at ___

Re: lyric extender and rest

2016-09-04 Thread arnepe
The 4-language version of A. Adnan Saygun's "Yunus Emre" has those rests in the lyrics, accompanying lots of cue notes for the various languages. I copied this idea for a bilingual version of Johan Helmich Roman's "Te Deum" which will be performed in Berlin this December, and it is not decided yet

slashed circle for harmonium organ stops

2016-12-03 Thread arnepe
hello list, has anybody written or transcribed music for harmonium (pump organ) ? Circled numbers/letters show the organ stops, and slashed circles are used when the organ stop is deactivated (example image from Rossini's Petite messe solennelle"). So far I've used "nVier = \markup { {\circle 4 }

Re: slashed circle for harmonium organ stops

2016-12-04 Thread arnepe
hello Simon, Simon Albrecht-2 wrote > OT: beware that the stop indications are not by Rossini, but added by an > editor. since these edits are used both by Ricordi and Brandus (found on IMSLP) I guess the harmonium players are accustomed to it. FWIW, I put all those markings in separate "inclu