Text Spanner, with Text left-aligned to bar-line, and spanner line right-aligned to subsequent bar-line?

2012-10-01 Thread Zenaan Harkness
G'day, FP here. Here's my code: capoVHalf = { %\context { \Score \override RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT } %\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details l X) = #0 %\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details right X) = #40 %\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details right padding) = #-20

Re: Text Spanner, with Text left-aligned to bar-line, and spanner line right-aligned to subsequent bar-line?

2012-10-01 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 10/2/12, Thomas Morley wrote: > 2012/10/1 Zenaan Harkness : >> G'day, FP here. > Hi Zenaan, > > I'm tired of a hard day's work. > Although I'm interested in this stuff (being a guitarist myself), I > will not work on your code unless you provide a

Re: Text Spanner, with Text left-aligned to bar-line, and spanner line right-aligned to subsequent bar-line?

2012-10-02 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Hi David, got back home and your example works well on 2.14.2! Great! But I failed to make it work in my context. I tidied and reduced my score and attached (3.4KiB). I've tried using your capo spanner in the melodyA part, and in the bassA part, and the melody gives error, and when in the bass pa

Re: Text Spanner, with Text left-aligned to bar-line, and spanner line right-aligned to subsequent bar-line?

2012-10-02 Thread Zenaan Harkness
> I can't suggest a fix, so I suppose the alternatives are to use the > function I gave you within narrow(ing) constraints, or eyeballing > values for '(bound-details left padding) to justify the left text to > the bar line case-by-case. The "narrow constraint" for my scores is a show-stopper: not

Re: "Parallel music view" - inspiration for LilyPond editors.

2012-10-04 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Any estimates of the number of "active" users of lilypond? We could arrange feature fundings, with many users, say $20 each makes it eminently feasible - kickstarter for lilypond.. but kickstarter results in I think in 10% or so lost to the middle men, but it could suffice. I'd be happy to pay stra

Non-profit - was Re: "Parallel music view" - inspiration for LilyPond editors.

2012-10-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 10/5/12, David Kastrup wrote: > Werner LEMBERG writes: > >>> Have you read >>> >>>http://lwn.net/Articles/514964/ >> >> Not yet, thanks for that! >> >>> on Bradley Kuhn's >>> >>>http://sfconservancy.org/ >> >> Actually, I've already asked for making FreeType a conservancy member >> som

Re: Tuplets in Orthodox Liturgical Music

2012-10-05 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Hi, I'm a lilypond newbie, and having difficulty understanding what you're asking. Please reduce your example by getting rid of almost everything, even header/title not necessary etc, so that you provide an example just a bar or two long, so that your problem is easy to see. Cheers Zenaan _

Re: Error Message

2012-11-26 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 11/27/12, David Kastrup wrote: > David Nalesnik writes: >> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 8:10 PM, Mark Stephen Mrotek >> wrote: >>> Since I copied the following >>> \set TupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) >>> from the manual and pasted it into the code, I am not sure what the >>> error >

Re: resources for working with Nicolas Sceaux's source?

2012-12-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Some form of templating outside Lilypond could potentially be useful, eg stringtemplate.org which is my personal favourite; never used it with Lilypond though. Lilypond variables of course. Bigger than ben hur from the get go might be daunting/ frustrating learning experience. Write up your firs

Re: Advocating non-free softwares

2013-02-28 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 2/27/13, David Kastrup wrote: > Kieren MacMillan writes: > >> David, >> >>> Then it would seem that many of us have forgotten >>> what brought LilyPond to them in the first place. >> >> No — some of us just have a sense of balance and tolerance. > > Sounds to me like the "fair is foul and foul

Re: Advocating non-free softwares [WAS: Heads up about Frescobaldi & Ubuntu - Insert Menu Glitch]

2013-03-01 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 2/26/13, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > james writes: > >>> Could you please be more aware and more careful about advocating the use >>> of non-free operating systems? >> >> Does this mean we shouldn't mention that we use non-free operating >> systems? Or ask questions, comments about non-free oper